What objects are associated with Eros?

Eros was depicted as often carrying a lyre or bow and arrow. He was also depicted accompanied by dolphins, flutes, roosters, roses, and torches.

What symbols did Eros have?

Eros’ symbols were the Bow, the Arrows, the Torch and the Wings.

What are Eros powers and symbols?

Eros was often portrayed carrying a lyre, and sometimes he would be seen with flutes, roses, torches or dolphins. However, his most famous symbol is the bow and quiver. With his arrows, Eros was able to cause undying passion and love in anybody he shot.

What kind of love does Eros represent?

Eros — Romantic Love Eros is a primal love that comes as a natural instinct for most people. It’s a passionate love displayed through physical affection. These romantic behaviors include, but are not limited to, kissing, hugging and holding hands. This love is a desire for another person’s physical body.

What are the colors of Eros?

Eros is the God of Love and the son of Aphrodite. He is married to Psyche, the only one he allows to call him Cupid (his Roman name, which he dislikes) as a term of endearment….In The Series.

Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Height: 4’8
Character Information

What is Eros weapon?

It was he who lit the flame of love in the hearts of the gods and men, armed with either a bow and arrows or a flaming torch. Eros was often portrayed as the disobedient but fiercely loyal child of Aphrodite.

Why is Eros blind?

Out of love and desperation she accomplishes everything and gets to see Cupid and discovers that he is blind because of her oil spill.

What is Eros weakness?

(goddess of sensual pleasures) Eros’ Weaknesses: He is blind. Psyche.

What color are Eros eyes?

In The Series

Eye color: Blue
Height: 4’8
Character Information
First appearance: Bows and Eros