What nationality is the name Yurko?

Americanized spelling of Slovenian Jurko, from the personal name Jurko, pet form of Jurij (see George).

Where does the name Santillana come from?

The surname Santillana was first found in Lucca, a city and comune in Tuscany, capital of the province of Lucca and where Bascilican type churches abound. The history commences in 218 B.C., and passed through many hands in the intervening centuries. Many notable scholars and prelates lived here.

Where does the name Ruzicka come from?

The surname Ruzicka was first found in Polesie, the largest province of Poland. It is inhabited by Ruthenians, called Polesians, of Ukrainian descent. The main towns are those of Brest Litovsk, Pinsk, Kobryn, Kamenets, Litovsk, and Luninets.

Where does the name Poblete come from?

The surname Poblete is most common in Chile.

What does Ruzicka mean?

nice littlenrose
Czech (Ružicka): nickname meaning ‘nice littlenrose’, a diminutive of ruže ‘rose’. DM.

What kind of name is Ruzicka?

Meaning and Origin of: Ruzicka Czech (Růžička) : nickname meaning ‘nice little rose’, a diminutive of růže ‘rose’.

How do you pronounce Poblete?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Poblete. poblete. Pob-lete. p-OH-b-l-eh-t-ee.
  2. Meanings for Poblete. It is a surname that originated from the Spanish language.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. Poblete, Ciudad Real, Spain Precipitation Forecaststar_ratehome. Jason I. Poblete.
  4. Translations of Poblete. Arabic : بوبليتي Turkish : öğretmen.

How do you pronounce Ruzicka?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Ruzicka. Serbo-Croatian roo-zheech-kah; English roo-zich-kuh. ruz-ic-k-a.
  2. Meanings for Ruzicka. A popular Croatian-Swiss scientist is known for his work Terpene.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. First-years Nam, Ruzicka elected to UCS.
  4. Translations of Ruzicka. Russian : Ружичка