What nationality is the name Bondi?
What nationality is the name Bondi?
Italian: from a personal name Bondí, an omen name from buon di ‘good day’ (see Bonadio). Italian: from a reduced form of the personal name Abbondio, from the Latin personal name Abundius, from abundus ‘abundant’.
What nationality is the last name Australia?
German: from a reduced form of August or Augustin.
What nationality is Quay?
The name Quay is boy’s name of French origin meaning “wharf”.
What does Rehn mean?
topographic name from a Low German form of standard German Rain ‘edge of a field’, ‘ridge’. from a Germanic personal name based on ragin ‘advice’, ‘counsel’. Similar surnames: Dehn, Rehr, Rein, Rehm, Behn, Rohn, Rahn, Fehn, Wehr, Prehn.
Is Bondi a name?
The name Bondi comes from the Italian word “biondo,” which means “blond.” The name therefore most likely originated as a nickname for someone with a very light beard or hair.
What does the surname Aust mean?
Aust Surname Definition: ‘the son of Augustine’; Old English Austin.
What does the name Clay mean?
Clay Worker
The name Clay is primarily a male name of English origin that means Clay Worker. Occupational or habitational surname for someone who worked with clay or lived on clay land.
Why do Australians have weird last names?
Australian names are traditionally patrilineal, whereby children are given their father’s family name. However, this is not an enforced custom. Some parents may choose to give their children a hyphenated surname that contains the family name of both parents (e.g. Jack Samuel WILSON-ADAMS).
Can quay be pronounced Kway?
“Quay” was originally pronounced KEE, and that’s still the preferred pronunciation (it was once spelled “key”). Some dictionaries give only that pronunciation, though in American English two variant pronunciations are recognized as standard: KAY and KWAY. We’ll have more to say about “quay” later.