What muscles do wide grip chin-ups work?

The wide-grip pull up is an upper-body strengthening exercise that targets your lats whilst working on the back, biceps, shoulders, and chest. It also works the core muscles….Wide Grip Pull Ups Muscles Worked

  • Latissimus Dorsi.
  • Trapezius.
  • Abdominals.
  • Thoracic erector spinae.
  • Pectorals.
  • Rhomboids.
  • Infraspinatus.
  • Teres minor.

What muscles are used in squats?

In a standard bodyweight squat, the following muscles are targeted:

  • quadriceps.
  • hamstrings.
  • glutes.
  • abdominals.
  • calves.

What exercise replaces chin-ups?

Lat pulldowns are the best substitute for chinups — not only do they work the same muscle groups, but they also work them in the same plane. However, if neither chinups nor lat pulldowns are an option, you can get by with bent-over rows.

Do chin-ups increase bicep size?

The pull-up mostly targets your upper back and lats, along with the brachioradialis (forearm) and other parts of your upper body to a lesser extent. The chin-up on the other hand places a greater emphasis on your biceps and brachialis. It also activates your forearms, teres major, and posterior delts.

What type of pull-up is the hardest?

overhand grip pull-up
An overhand grip pull-up is the hardest to do, because it places more of the workload on your lats. The wider your grip, the less help your lats get from other muscles, making a rep harder.

What is the prime mover muscle in a squat?

The gluteus maximus and the quadriceps are the prime movers for back squats. During the upward phase of the squat, the glutes are responsible for the hip extension and the quads for the knee extension.

Do squats work quads or glutes more?

Squats are an excellent functional movement, meaning they can help make day-to-day movements like bending and lifting easier. What’s more, they’re a great way to build muscle and strength in your lower body. That said, many people find that squats target their quadriceps (front thighs) more than their glutes.

What can I replace wide grip pull ups with?

In general, lat pulldown machines have several handles, so you can use an overhand grip to simulate wide-grip pull-ups, a parallel or “palms in” grip to simulate narrow-grip pull-ups and an underhand grip as a chin-up alternative.

What can I use instead of wide grip pull ups?

5 Best No-Bar Pull-Up Alternatives

  • Bodyweight Rows. Bodyweight rows are commonly combined with scapular stabilization exercises by people who are trying to increase their pull-up count.
  • Kneeling Lat Pulldowns.
  • Overhead Dumbbell Press.
  • Back Bridge Push-Ups.
  • Kettlebell Swings.