What MTG cards are tournament legal?

A Magic card does not need to feature the traditional Magic card back in order to be tournament-legal, as long as the cards are played in an opaque sleeve. (DFCs) A Magic card does not need to feature the traditional Magic corner cut in order to be tournament-legal, as long as the cards are played in an opaque sleeve.

Which cards are legal in Commander?

Cards Legal in Commander All regular-sized black- and white-bordered Magic cards publicly released by Wizards of the Coast are legal to play with in Commander. This means that silver-bordered cards are not legal in Commander — they are not covered by the Comprehensive Rules and not legal in constructed formats.

Why are some MTG cards Not tournament legal?

Collectors’ Edition cards have black borders on the face, but square corners and a gold border on the back. These are not legal for tournament use. Also, uncut sheets of cards are sometimes cut for use. It is important that these cards have the same corners as all other cards.

What cards are not legal in Commander?

The following cards are banned in Brawl and cannot be included in your deck or used as your commander:

  • Drannith Magistrate.
  • Lutri, the Spellchaser.
  • Oko, Thief of Crowns.
  • Omnath, Locus of Creation.
  • Runed Halo.
  • Sorcerous Spyglass.
  • Winota, Joiner of Forces.
  • Pithing Needle.

Are Commander cards legal in standard?

They aren’t legal for play in the Standard, Pioneer, or Modern formats.

Are Collector’s Edition cards Legal in Commander?

Collector’s Edition, “Promotional cards”, poker cards and silver-bordered cards are banned.

Is my MTG deck tournament legal?

1) You must have a legal deck and your deck must remain legal throughout the tournament. Standard: Your deck must contain 60 or more cards. All the cards in your deck must be from sets currently recognized as legal in the Standard environment. You may use an older version of a legal card.

Are Commander cards modern legal?

They aren’t legal for play in the Standard, Pioneer, or Modern formats. The other cards in these decks (with printed set code ZNC and collector numbers 007–142) are legal for play in any format that already allows those cards; that is, appearing in these decks doesn’t change a card’s legality in any format.

Is Gleemax legal in Commander?

I’m happy to say that we’ve decided to unban Gleemax, a card originally printed in the Unhinged expansion. It is now legal, but comes with “use with caution”; its traffic light rating is amber.