What moves does Exeggutor have?

All moves

Main move Damage EPS
Seed Bomb 55 -15.7
Psychic 90 -17.9
Solar Beam 180 -20.4
Frustration Shadow 10 -16.5

Does Exeggutor learn moves after evolving?

Exeggutor learns the following moves when it evolves in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl (regardless of level).

Is Exeggutor a good Pokémon?

In the Grass arena, Exeggutor reigns supreme, even after Venusaur receiving Frenzy Plant. While Exeggutor has the higher attack between the two, Venusaur has slightly better overall bulk, and access to arguably the best Grass type move in the game.

What Gen is Alolan Exeggutor?

Generation I
Exeggutor (Japanese: ナッシー Nassy) is a dual-type Grass/Psychic Pokémon introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Exeggcute when exposed to a Leaf Stone. In Alola, Exeggutor has a dual-type Grass/Dragon regional form.

How is Exeggutor a Dragon?

Alolan Exeggutor Origins: Many Pokemon fans are likely puzzled why Exeggutor’s Alolan form is half Dragon-type. The explanation is hidden in his origin — Alolan Exeggutor’s design draws inspiration from Dracaena palm trees, which are often simply called “Dragon trees.”

Why can’t I evolve my Exeggutor?

It’s excusable that people are confused about how to obtain “Alola” in Pokémon GO because there isn’t one! Exeggutor cannot evolve into Alolan Exeggutor in Pokémon GO at the moment. Exeggcute evolves into the Kanto form of Exeggutor after consuming 50 Exeggcute Candies.

Does Exeggcute learn Psychic?

Exeggcute learns Psychic at level 47, and Exeggutor learns Leaf Storm at level 47.

Why is Exeggutor a dragon type?

What item should Exeggutor hold?

Substitute and Leech Seed help keep Exeggutor afloat while whittling down the opponent’s health, and Psychic is Exeggutor’s best STAB to deal with Grass-types immune to Leech Seed such as Sawsbuck and Roselia….SubSeed.

Item Sitrus Berry Restores 1/4 max HP when at 1/2 max HP or less. Single use.
EVs 248 HP 176 Def 84 Spe

Is Alolan Exeggutor rare?

There is a Shiny Alolan Exeggutor in Pokémon Go, but it’s extremely rare to find in the wild.

Why Charizard is not a Dragon?

Even though Charizard gains the Flying secondary type instead of the Dragon type upon evolving, it belongs to the Dragon Egg Group, learns Dragon moves like Dragon Claw, and has its Flying type replaced by Dragon in its “Mega Charizard X” form. Charizard has two teal wings, with a mostly orange body and back.

How do you get dragon Exeggutor?

There are also no items or special locations that can influence Exeggcute’s evolution. The only way to get Alolan Exeggutor is through catching it in an encounter. Luckily, there is a way to encounter Alolan Exeggutor at this time. In order to do this, players will need to defeat Alolan Exeggutor as a raid boss.