What mounts can you get from archaeology?

Archaeology Mounts

  • Fossilized Raptor – requires 100x fragments.
  • Flavour text: Legends tell of a spell placed upon a hunting raptor who dared to snarl at young Tyrande Whisperwind as she bathed in a jungle pool.
  • Where to dig?
  • Scepter of Azj’Aqir – requires 150x fragments (including up to 3x Tol’vir Hieroglyphics)

Is there archaeology in Shadowlands?

Archaeology, as we know it on Azeroth, does not exist in the Shadowlands, and there isn’t anything planned for the profession in the new expansion either.

What can you get with archaeology in wow?


  • Dwarf artifacts.
  • Fossils.
  • Night elf artifacts.
  • Troll artifacts.
  • Draenei artifacts.
  • Orc artifacts.
  • Vrykul artifacts.
  • Nerubian artifacts.

Is Archaeology still a thing in wow?

Archaeology dig sites can be found all across Azeroth, as well as on alternate Draenor and Outland; there are no dig sites in the Shadowlands. There are four dig sites on each continent available at any one time. Dig sites are available based on player skill.

What’s the point of archeology wow?

Allows an archaeologist to find artifact fragments and complete artifacts up to a maximum potential skill of X.

What are mounts in Wow archaeology?

Mounts are probably the most popular (and sought-after) cosmetic item in the game. While anyone with a few levels can buy a generic mount from the appropriate vendor, collecting rare mounts is a pastime held by many WoW players. No surprise here, archaeology offers some cosmetic mounts of its own.

What are the best archaeology mounts?

No surprise here, archaeology offers some cosmetic mounts of its own. The Fossilized Raptor is possibly the best known archaeology mount. As its name implies, the raptor a rare fossil artifact. Despite its epic-level quality, this is one of the few rare artifacts which is apparently possible to discover with a relatively low archaeology skill.

What is the best archaeology region in Wow?

Northrend is also considered a single archaeology region. In addition to being the only place for Nerubian and Vyrkul dig sites, it also contains a few Night Elf and Troll sites. You need 375 archaeology skill to find Northrend sites. Requires 375 skill. Mounts! Mounts are probably the most popular (and sought-after) cosmetic item in the game.

Is the fossilized raptor the best archaeology Mount in Wow?

While anyone with a few levels can buy a generic mount from the appropriate vendor, collecting rare mounts is a pastime held by many WoW players. No surprise here, archaeology offers some cosmetic mounts of its own. The Fossilized Raptor is possibly the best known archaeology mount.