What month is the shofar blown?
What month is the shofar blown?
The Talmud specifies that the shofar is blown on two occasions on Rosh Hashana: once while “sitting” (before the Mussaf prayer), and once while “standing” (during the Mussaf prayer). This increases the number of blasts from the basic requirement of 30, to 60.
How often is the shofar blown?
The shofar is used mainly on Rosh Hashanah. It is customary to blow the shofar 100 or 101 times on each day of Rosh Hashanah; however, halakha only requires that it be blown 30 times. The various types of blast are known as tekiah, shevarim, and teruah.
What happens when the shofar is blown?
The handbook of the Jewish mystics, The Zohar, points out that there is a Divine-human reciprocity in the shofar. It says: “When human beings repent of their sins, they blow the shofar on earth. It sound ascends On High and awakens the heavenly shofar, and so mercy is aroused and judgment is removed.”
What are the three shofar blasts?
In the sounding of the Shofar the Tekiah is 1 blast, the Shevarim is 3 wavering continuous blasts, and the Teruah is 9 staccato blasts.
Why is the shofar blown during the month of Elul?
Historically, we know that when Moses ascended Mount Sinai the second time, the people were told to sound the shofar in the camp so they would not sin again. Since this happened in Elul, we take care during this month not to commit any further transgressions, and the shofar is our warning signal.
What is Tekiah Gedolah?
In the Yemenite, Tunisian and Babylonian Jewish communities, it is a single long, reverberating blast. It is customary for the last tekiah in a set of 30, and the last tekiah blown overall on a day of Rosh Hashanah, to be extended in length, called a tekiah gedolah (“great tekiah”).
What do shofar sounds mean?
The shofar can be made to produce sobbing, wailing, and sustained sounds in sequences that are varied strictly according to ritual. The shofar is also sounded on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, as a call for repentance and sacrifice and for love of the Torah.
What time is the shofar blown today?
We will start at 3:00 PM on the second day of Rosh Hashanah with the first set of tekiot (shofar blasts) from Pasadena and, upon completion, will set off another and another, culminating in final blasts in Thousand Oaks at 3:50 PM….
Synagogue | The Open Temple |
City | Venice |
Corners | To Be Announced |
Time | 3:30 PM |
What is special about the month of Elul?
Elul is the 6th month of the Biblical calendar (late summer/early fall), the month set apart for repentance, or teshuvah, in spiritual preparation for the High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur).
Why is the shofar blown?
In rabbinic teaching, the shofar is a powerful instrument. It leads to repentance for sins of the previous year, reminds the faithful of the travails of the Jews over time, and harkens back to the shofar blast heard when the Israelites received the Ten Commandments.
What are the four shofar blasts?
During the shofar service, the shofar blower responds to calls for particular sounds:
- Tekiah, a long blast.
- Shevarim, three long sounds.
- Teruah, nine staccato blasts. The shofar blower must blow three sets, three times.
- Finally there is tekiah gedolah: a very long blast.