What monkeys do the most damage to MOABs?

Due to its fast firing speed, Super Monkey is one of the best options for MOABs if you have large funds. Due to its fast firing speed and its upgrades, (Ray of Doom, Laser Cannon, Hydra Rocket Pods), it is very good against MOABs.

Can heli pilot pop leads?

The Heli Pilot returns in Bloons TD 6, filling in its same role as a mobile tower. It still has its original targeting options, with Pursuit still being unlocked via upgrade. Path 1 focuses around DPS and offense starting with Razor Rotors able to pop bloons (Including Lead or Frozen) on contact.

How do you get the vengeful Monkey Temple in BTD5?

The darkened area shows the range. Temple of the Vengeful Monkey is a more powerful version of the Temple of the Monkey God. It can be unlocked in Bloons Monkey City (through the Dark Temple Idol) and Bloons TD 5 Mobile (through a tier 4 Super Monkey Lair). These temples have much higher range and higher attack speed.

Can Heli Pilot see camo?

Description: More powerful jets enable the Heli to move much faster. Description: Allows Heli Pilot to detect and shoot Camo Bloons.

Can mortar monkeys see camo?

Can detect Camo Bloons. Description: Shattering shells strip all bloon properties off all but the biggest bloons. Effect: Strips all Camo, Regrow, and Fortified from non-MOAB-class bloons, and strips Fortified from MOABs and BFBs.

Can Apache Prime pop DDT?

Its largest weakness on paper is in fact DDTs, since its rockets (and since 25.0, its lasers as well) cannot damage them, and since DDTs tend to be spaced apart and move very quickly, the Apache Prime cannot fully utilize its pierce against groups of them.

Is the Vengeful sun god worth it?

Vengeful True Sun God should be the main DPS option for reaching ultra high late-game rounds, because a maxed Vengeful True Sun God has the highest DPS on average in the entire game. It greatly benefits from every possible buff in the entire game.

Can Adora see camo?

Although Adora cannot detect camo Bloons without support (e.g. radar scanner) the ball of light itself CAN detect camo, if it passes through the radius of a 0-2-0 village, as it is orbiting the tower, even when Adora herself is not within the radius.

How do you use Chinook support?

Upon moving the selected movable tower to a new spot, the Support Chinook will move (even when set to Lock in Place) towards the selected tower to reposition that tower to a new spot. The footprint of the tower to be moved is ignored while a new location is being selected.

Is DDT stronger than Zomg?

Technically, the DDT is stronger than a ZOMG because towers set to prioritize “strong” bloons will shoot D.D.T.s before Z.O.M.G.s if both are within range. The Z.O.M.G. is stronger in hitpoints than the D.D.T. and is immune and resistant to most abilities like M.O.A.B. Take-Down (while the D.D.T.