What monkey was discovered in 2007?
What monkey was discovered in 2007?
The lesula (Cercopithecus lomamiensis) is a species of Old World monkey in the guenon family, found in the Lomami Basin of the Congo. Though known to locals, it was unknown to the international scientific community until it was discovered in 2007 and confirmed in a 2012 publication.
When was the lesula monkey discovered?
June 2007
Abstract. In June 2007, a previously undescribed monkey known locally as “lesula” was found in the forests of the middle Lomami Basin in central Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Who discovered the lesula monkey?
biologist John Hart
It would seem difficult to overlook something as large as a new species of monkey, but scientists had no idea about the lesula until just a few years ago when conservation biologist John Hart discovered a specimen being kept as a pet in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
What is the newest discovered monkey?
A monkey that is new to science has been discovered in the remote forests of Myanmar.
- A monkey that is new to science has been discovered in the remote forests of Myanmar.
- The Popa langur, named after its home on Mount Popa, is critically endangered with numbers down to about 200 individuals.
Which primate is found in Congo?
Wild bonobos can only be found in forests south of the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Sometimes known as the pygmy chimpanzee, bonobos weren’t recognized as a separate species until 1929.
Why do baboons have blue bottoms?
A baboon’s butt tissue is arranged somewhat like the illustration above so that blue photons are reflected and all of the other photons (like the red ones) are absorbed. Only the blue light makes it out and gets into our eyes. This is why we see we see blue monkey butts!
What monkey has a blue bottom?
The typical Lesula has a naked face and muzzle and a mane of long, grizzled blond hairs. Some have a cream-colored vertical nose stripe and the males sport bright blue backsides. The monkey appears to eat fruits and vegetation primarily, and to live both on the ground and in trees.
How many species of monkeys are there 2021?
“Monkeys are broadly divided into Old World species—160 species, and New World species—174 species,” says Jessica A. Mayhew, PhD, assistant professor of anthropology and museum studies, and director of the Primate Behavior and Ecology Program at Central Washington University. So that’s 334 species altogether!
Is there a new species of monkey?
The monkey is called the Popa langur, for it lives on the steep hillsides of the extinct Mt Popa volcano in Myanmar. It was the only new mammal that has been discovered.
What monkeys live in the Congo rainforest?
The bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus) the sun-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus solatus), black colobus (Colobus satanas) and the okapi (Okapia johnstoni) are only found in the Congo River Basin.