What Metro stop is Washington Monument?

The Federal Triangle Metro Station station is the nearest one to Washington Monument.

What Metro line goes to the National Mall?

The METRORAIL BLUE LINE is the first Metro that goes to National Mall in Washington.

What Metro stop is Lincoln Memorial?

Foggy Bottom
The nearest metro stations are Foggy Bottom (23rd St. &I St. NW) and Smithsonian (12th St.

What Metro stop to get off at for National Mall?

The Mall area on the east can be reached using the following Metro stations: Smithsonian/National Mall at 12th Street on the Mall; Federal Center SW at 3rd and D Streets, SW; L’Enfant Plaza at Maryland Avenue and 7th Street, SW; Archives-Navy Memorial at Pennsylvania Avenue and 7th Street, NW; and Federal Triangle …

What is the best Metro stop for the White House?

McPherson Square, Vermont Avenue exit, is the closest stop to the White House tour entrance. The Farragut West station is several blocks further west. The Metro Center station, 13th & G Street exit is just about the same distance as McPherson Square.

Is it illegal to swim in the Reflecting Pool?

Swimming has never been permitted in the Reflecting Pool, but city children like this 1926 group enjoyed the cool waters anyway. There were very few public pools in Washington, DC, at the time. Between the mid 1920s and 1935, city officials operated three small public pools on the Washington Monument Grounds.

How do you get around DC monuments?

Getting Around Washington DC

  1. Climb Aboard the Old Town Trolley.
  2. Catch the Metrorail.
  3. Ride the Metrobus.
  4. Try the DC Circulator.
  5. Hop on the Georgetown Metro Connection.
  6. Rent a Bike or Take Segway Tour.
  7. Call a Cab or Use Ride Sharing Apps.

What Metro is closest to Lincoln Memorial?

The closest Metro station to the Lincoln Memorial is Foggy Bottom (Blue-Orange-Silver). It’s about a 15 to 20-minute walk (directions), depending on your speed from the Metro station to the Lincoln Memorial.