What means Inclose?

1a(1) : to close in : surround enclose a porch with glass. (2) : to fence off (common land) for individual use. b : to hold in : confine. 2 : to include along with something else in a parcel or envelope a check is enclosed herewith.

What enrage means?

Definition of enrage transitive verb. : to fill with rage : anger.

What is the meaning of savoring in English?

1 : to give flavor to : season. 2a : to have experience of : taste. b : to taste or smell with pleasure : relish. c : to delight in : enjoy savoring the moment.

Is Enclosable a word?

Enclosable definition Capable of being enclosed.

What is the difference between enclose and Inclose?

Enclose is the preferred spelling of the verb meaning to shut in, to surround, or to insert in the same envelope. Inclose was once an accepted variant, but it has faded out of use and now might be considered a misspelling of enclose.

How do you use enclosed?

Use “enclosed” in a sentence | “enclosed” sentence examples

  1. The football field is enclosed by a wall.
  2. She enclosed a check for $ 50 with the letter.
  3. All translated words should be enclosed in brackets.
  4. A set of samples is enclosed here.
  5. Cherbourg had a splendid harbour enclosed by a long sea wall.

What do rummaging means?

to make a thorough search or investigation
1 : to make a thorough search or investigation. 2 : to engage in an undirected or haphazard search. transitive verb. 1 : to make a thorough search through : ransack rummaged the attic. 2 : to examine minutely and completely.

What does hesitantly mean?

: slow to act or proceed (as from fear, indecision, or unwillingness) : tending to hesitate : showing or feeling reluctance or hesitation took a hesitant step towards the door hesitant about accepting the job.

Is it enclosed or inclosed?

What does not enclosed mean?

Definition of unenclosed : not enclosed or fenced in unenclosed land/space.