What means fair to middling?

just average
Definition of fair to middling : just average : not especially good The food was fair to middling.

What is a synonym for middling?

synonyms for middling mediocre. passable. run-of-the-mill. so-so. average.

Where does the expression fair to middling come from?

Origin of Fair to Middling This expression comes from agriculture and commerce. Farmers and merchants used a grading system to label the quality of different agricultural products. Those of the best quality were fine or good. Next came fair and middling.

Is it fair to midland or fair to middling?

The phrase fair to middling means something or someone is slightly above satisfactory or average, or “doing pretty well”. Fair to Midland is a mondegreen or misinterpretation of the original phrase.

What is mediocrity person?

a person that is not very good at something or not very good at anything in particular, or something that is not very good: These people are just mediocrities.

What do you mean by Midland?

Definition of midland 1 : the interior or central region of a country. 2 capitalized. a : the dialect of English spoken in the midland counties of England.

What is a antonym for middling?

Antonyms. immoderately unreasonably immoderate abnormal uncommon superior extraordinariness.

What’s it called when you meet in the middle?

Definition. to compromise with someone. The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway. Synonyms. compromise.

Where is Fair to Midland?

Fair to Midland was formed in 1998 by friends Andrew Darroh Sudderth and Cliff Campbell, both of Sulphur Springs, Texas.

How are you doing Fair to Midland?

Fair to middlin’ is just a colloquial version written in the way that the expression is often spoken, in America at least. ‘It’s middling’ – not ‘midland’. Fair to midland is an odder fish and may be a mispronunciation of ‘middling’ as ‘midland’, or it may be an unconnected expression.

Why did Fair to Midland break up?

Breakup (2013) Stowers, who had left the band in 2011, has been the only party to discuss the band stating that all he knew was that, at his time of leaving, the band had accumulated substantial debt, was without a label, and members had scattered across the entire country.

What is the meaning of bleary eyed?

Definition of bleary-eyed : having the eyes dimmed and watery (as from fatigue, drink, or emotion)