What manipulate meaning?

Definition of manipulate transitive verb. 1 : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner manipulate a pencil manipulate a machine. 2a : to manage or utilize skillfully quantify our data and manipulate it statistically— S. L. Payne.

What is opposite of manipulate?

Opposite of to maneuver, manipulate or handle something in a skillful manner. misguide. mislead. mismanage. neglect.

How do you manipulate a person?

It’s simple. If you want to manipulate someone, you should first make an unreasonable request, wait for the person to reject you, and then follow it up by a more reasonable request. It will sound much more appealing to your victim in comparison to the first request as used by salesperson.

Is manipulation a bad word?

Manipulation has many negative connotations, including carrying out devious behaviors designed to exploit and control others. Think of it like mind control — using emotional and psychological tactics to change or alter someone’s perception or behavior in an underhanded, deceptive, or even abusive way.

Is manipulate a negative word?

By definition, the word ‘manipulate’ — meaning simply “to handle or control in a skillful manner, or to control or influence a person or situation” — does not hold any inherently negative connotations.

What is the another word for manipulate?

In this page you can discover 45 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for manipulate, like: control, exploit, handle, manage, synthesize, influence, operate, pull-strings, rig, swing and keep in line.

Does manipulate mean change?

to handle, manage, or use, especially with skill, in some process of treatment or performance: to manipulate a large tractor. to adapt or change (accounts, figures, etc.) to suit one’s purpose or advantage.

How do you manipulate?

4 Ways To Psychologically Manipulate Someone

  1. Use Body Language To Your Advantage. The way the brain stimulates physical movements and reactions during day-to-day interactions is almost uncontrollable.
  2. Change The Perspective.
  3. Leverage Your Knowledge Of Others.
  4. Be Aware Of Proper Timing and Opportunity.

Do manipulators love you?

Manipulators aren’t interested in loving you, they are interested in you loving them and conforming to their needs; then convincing you that this is love. 4. Healthy love is honest, manipulation is hypocritical. When love is healthy both people possess the integrity to be honest with each other, even when it hurts.

How do I manipulate my boyfriend?

Here’s what I’ve found works:

  1. Focus On ONE Habit. I know, I know—how will you choose between smashing his PS4 and blocking half his Insta feed??!
  2. Don’t Expect Him To Read Your Mind.
  3. Use “I Feel” Statements.
  4. Blow Jobs.