What level is Max Freeze spell?

The Freeze Spell can now be upgraded to level 2 at level 7 Laboratory (consequently at Town Hall 9).

Does Freeze spell level matter?

Since Freeze’s duration is identical at all levels, and its damage is extremely low, upgrading it is generally wasteful if the player wishes to only paralyze enemy troops and buildings, At equal levels, a Freeze spell can only one-shot Bats or Skeletons, and a Level 11 Freeze Spell can one-shot Level 14 Bats and …

Is Freeze spell good?

The Freeze Spell is a very nice card. Played wrong, you can take an immediate 4 Elixir disadvantage, sometimes even losing a Tower, or the match. However when played right, it can allow for a devastating win.

How much does it cost to upgrade freeze spell?

Upgrade Chart

Level Freeze Time Research Cost
1 2.5 seconds N/A
2 3.0 seconds 1,200,000
3 3.5 seconds 2,000,000
4 4.0 seconds 3,600,000

How long does a max level freeze last?

Freeze Spell

Level Freeze time Research time
1 2.5 Seconds
2 3 Seconds 1 days 12 hours
3 3.5 Seconds 3 days
4 4 Seconds 5 days

What is the max level of freeze spell in Town Hall 10?

Max levels of Elixir Spells in TH10

Elixir Spell Max Level
Lightning Spell 7
Healing Spell 7
Rage Spell 5
Freeze Spell 5

How much damage does max level freeze do?


Damage 115
Tower damage 35
Spell radius 3

Does Freeze spell work on traps?

You currently cannot use freeze spells on giant bombs, bombs, air bombs, seeking air mines, or spring traps. You can however use them on hidden teslas which are kind of like a trap.

What is max level poison COC?

The Poison Spell is the Dark Spell that has the highest level at max, being 8.

How much damage does freeze do?


Damage 115
Tower damage 35
Spell radius 3

Does upgrading freeze do anything?

The recent changes to freeze spell have killed the card. Lvl 10 freeze can kill max bats and skeletons, the damage it deals otherwise is so little that it’s irrelevant to upgrade it. It’s duration which is merely 4 seconds also does not increase anymore with an upgrade.

What level does the freeze spell unlock?

The Freeze Spell is an Elixir Spell unlocked by upgrading the Spell Factory to level 3, which requires a Town Hall level 9. This spell was introduced with on the June 2013 Update. 1. Freeze Spell Explained

Is it worth it to upgrade the freeze spell?

Since Freeze’s duration is identical at all levels, and its damage is extremely low, upgrading it is generally wasteful if the player wishes to only paralyze enemy troops and buildings, At equal levels, a Freeze spell can only one-shot Bats or Skeletons, and a Level 11 Freeze Spell can one-shot Level 14 Bats and Skeletons.

How do you use the freeze spell in Warzone?

The Freeze Spell can also be used to freeze X-Bows, Inferno Towers and the Eagle Artillery, allowing stronger units such as P.E.K.K.As to live longer without single-target Inferno Towers, weaker units such as Barbarians to live longer without X-Bows and multi-target Inferno Towers, and clustered troops to live longer without the Eagle Artillery.

Does freeze spell work on hidden Tesla?

The Freeze Spell can freeze both Ground Troops and Air Troops. It cannot freeze an enemy Hidden Tesla before it has been revealed. However, if the Hidden Tesla is revealed while the Freeze Spell is active, and the Hidden Tesla is in the radius of the spell, the Hidden Tesla will be inactive until the duration of the spell ends.