What lessons can we learn from a raisin in the sun?


  • The Value and Purpose of Dreams. A Raisin in the Sun is essentially about dreams, as the main characters struggle to deal with the oppressive circumstances that rule their lives.
  • The Need to Fight Racial Discrimination. The character of Mr.
  • The Importance of Family.

How many weeks does it take to teach a raisin in the sun?

A Raisin in the Sun 4-5 Week Unit – AP Literature In fact, it was #1 on their list of things I must continue to teach. This is a stand-alone 4-5 week unit that covers the play as well as 4 poems connected to the play. All of the slide decks are Pear/Deck style, but you can edit them to meet your needs.

Is A Raisin in the Sun appropriate for 8th grade?

The A Raisin in the Sun grade level is 9th grade and up. (I have used the play for an advanced group of 8th graders.) Even though the reading grade level for A Raisin in the Sun is low, the issues, themes, and context are more appropriate for High School.

Is A Raisin in the Sun taught in schools?

A Raisin in the Sun, which is commonly read by high school students, offers numerous opportunities for interesting and insightful classroom experiences. Along with a rich script, the 1961 motion picture and the 2008 TV-movie, which stars the cast from the 2004 Broadway revival, are both available for views.

What is the main message of raisin in the sun?

At the heart of Hansberry’s ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ is the universal message of the desire for social progress amid the differing opinions on how to achieve it. A Raisin in the Sun is a play about an African American family aspiring to move beyond segregation and disenfranchisement in 1950s Chicago.

What are three themes in A Raisin in the Sun?

A Raisin in the Sun Themes

  • Dreams. Dreams possess great importance in A Raisin in the Sun, with the play’s name coming from a 1951 Langston Hughes poem titled Montage of a Dream Deferred.
  • Dignity and Pride.
  • Race, Discrimination, and Assimilation.
  • Gender and Feminism.
  • Money.

What are some symbols in a raisin in the sun?

What are some symbols in A Raisin in the Sun? Some of the symbols are Mama’s plant, Beneatha’s hair, music, the phrase “eat your eggs,” the $10,000 insurance payment, and money more generally.

What are the themes in a raisin in the sun?

What are main reasons why students should read A Raisin in the Sun today?

A critical reading of A Raisin in the Sun offers students many opportunities to evaluate the shifting meaning of and access to what has been constructed as “The American Dream” in U.S. history and culture.

WHY IS A Raisin in the Sun important?

A Raisin in the Sun remains important as a cultural document of a crucial period in American history as well as for the continued debate over racial and gender issues that it has helped spark.

What are the themes in A Raisin in the Sun?