What length is a 239 bulb?

239 OSRAM Ultra Life 12V 5W C5W 38mm Number Plate & Interior Festoon Bulbs (Pair)

Bulb Type Long Life
Bulb Size This is the actual fitting of the bulb. If you do not know which fitting your vehicle takes, use the bulb finder to the right of 239
Festoon Length 38mm
Filament Type Single Filament
Fitting Type Festoon

What is the difference between an 1157 and a 2357 bulb?

The life expectancy of the 2357 bulb is shorter than that of the 1157. The low filaments have the same life expectancy rating at 5000 hours, but the high filament of the 2357 bulb is much shorter than that of the 1157, with the 2357 rated at 400 hours vs. 1200 hours for the 1157.

Can I replace a 43w bulb with a 60w bulb?

When it comes to replacing old incandescent bulbs with LEDs, a common question that customers ask is: “Can I use an LED bulb that has a higher wattage equivalent than my fixture allows?” The simple answer is yes, as long as the LED bulb uses less wattage than your fixture.

What is a festoon bulb?

Festoon base light bulbs are typically used in indicator and puck lights. You may also find them in your car. The front map lights above your rear view mirror may use festoon base bulbs, or the dome light in the middle of the roof if your car doesn’t have a sun roof.

How long is a C5W bulb?

#6418 (C5W) Miniature Bulb SV8. 5mm Base – 12.0 Volt 0.42 Amp 5 Watt T3-1/4 (11mm) Festoon SV8. 5mm Base, C-8 Filament Design, 3.58 MSCP., 1.38″ (35mm) Maximum Overall Length (M.O.L.), 0.43″ (11mm) Maximum Outer Diameter (M.O.D.).

What are 2357 bulbs used for?

Qty: bulb, – White LED bulb, ideal for daytime running lights (DRL) and back-up/reverse lightsSpecs- ANSI Code: 2357, – Also Fits: 1157, 2057, – Sylvania Part Number: 2357SL.

Are 2357 and 2057 bulbs interchangeable?

The 2057 and 2357 were developed later and are a bit brighter – and one of them will fit just fine. well, they’ll all fit fine, as they all have the classic standard round 2-contact base…i chose the 2057…

What happens if you put too high watt bulb?

Using a light bulb with too high of wattage can lead to overheating of the light bulb. This heat can melt the light socket as well as the insulation of the wires. Once that happens, you put yourself at risk of arc faults, and this is something that could even lead to property fires.

What happens if you use the wrong watt bulb?

Because of the heat generated, using a light bulb with a higher wattage than specified may cause the light fixture to overheat. Overheating damages the fixture and may melt the socket holding the light bulb, causing a fire.

What’s the difference between a T3 and T4 light bulb?

A: The “T” in T3 or T4 type halogen bulbs refers to the tubular shape, (not base) while the number refers to the diameter of the bulb. So, “T” is for Tubular, (but they can also be referred to as the ‘peanut bu… see more.