What language is used in the poem poppies?

“spasms of paper red”-language of pain/ imagery of bloody wounds perhaps foreshadowing events or reflecting her fears. “my stomach busy making tucks, darts, pleats”- metaphor conveys uncertainty/concern through clothing-related imagery.

What is the message of Poppies poem?

“Poppies” addresses the anxieties and grief that parents face as they send their children to fight in war. It does so through an extended metaphor, comparing going to war to a more mundane kind of departure: a mother sending her child to school.

What does the dove represent in poppies poem?

The description of the dove flying away suggests that its purpose was to lead the mother to that memorial, and this suggests that the mother is reliving the memory of her son leaving because it is the last memory she will ever have with him; that he died in the war, and the inscription being traced is the name of her …

What is the meaning of poppies poem?

She often uses the language of textiles and sewing in her poetry in the form of metaphor. The title of the poem, ‘Poppies’, is simple. It reflects both the feminine voice of the poem (being named for flowers) and the fact that Armistice Day is specifically referenced in it.

What are the literary devices in poppies in July?

Literary Devices in Poppies in July . Plath makes use of several literary devices in ‘Poppies in July’. These include but are not limited to alliteration, caesura, and enjambment. The latter, enjambment, occurs when a line is cut off before its natural stopping point. Enjambment forces a reader down to the next line, and the next, quickly.

What is the narrator trying to say in poppies?

For much of these stanzas of ‘Poppies’, the narrator is simply speaking to the memory of who we learn is their son (or is probably their son, since they make reference to when “you” were little, as well as the indications of physical affection that might be less common from an older sibling).

Who is the author of poppies?

Weir was born in Italy in 1963 and grew up in Italy and Manchester. She moved to Northern Ireland during ‘the Troubles’ in the 1980s and so has experienced conflict in a close and personal way. Poppies was her response to a commission for war poems by the Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy.