What kind of trust did J Paul Getty have?

California charitable trust
The trust was established by a Trust Indenture dated December 2, 1953 that created a California charitable trust was “the diffusion of artistic and general knowledge.” The trust is governed by a 13-member board of trustees.

What does the J Paul Getty Trust do?

Our Mission Getty advances and shares the world’s visual art and cultural heritage for the benefit of all. Getty is a cultural and philanthropic institution dedicated to the presentation, conservation, and interpretation of the world’s artistic legacy.

Who controls the Getty Trust?

Gordon Getty Paul Getty and dad to John Gilbert Getty and six other children. Gordon is known as a composer, investor and philanthropist. After J. Paul Getty’s death in 1976, Gordon assumed control of Getty’s $3billion (£2.1billion) trust.

Who funds the Getty Museum?

the J. Paul Getty Trust
Backed by the endowment of the J. Paul Getty Trust, which reached a record high of $6.9bn in 2017, the Getty easily ranks as the richest museum in the world. The related foundation is in the business of giving money away, from programming grants for the Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA festival to conservation funding.

Is the Getty family still rich?

In 1957, Fortune magazine named him the richest living American, while the 1966 Guinness Book of Records named him as the world’s richest private citizen, worth an estimated $1.2 billion (approximately $7.5 billion in 2020)….Jean Paul Getty Sr.

J. Paul Getty
Occupation Businessman

How did J. Paul Getty make his money?

After moving to North America from Londonderry, George shifted career tack from lawyer to oilman, and set his son on the road to success by lending Jean Paul Getty money to invest in oil wells in 1906. The company that formed from this deal, the Getty Oil Company, was to make Getty his fortune.

Who owns Getty Oil Company now?

…Getty interests agreed to merge Getty Oil Company with Pennzoil, but two days later this agreement was breached by the announcement of another agreement, selling Getty Oil to Texaco Inc.