What kind of plum tree has thorns?

If you want a plum tree (Prunus spp.) for a garden of native plants, you’ll have to put up with prickles, as wild plums have thorny branches — including the one you’ll most likely encounter, the American wild plum (Prunus americana).

Do plum trees have spiky branches?

Plum is a small broadleaf, deciduous tree or sometimes a shrub, with dark-brown bark. The branches grow straight and twigs are often spiny in wild plants.

Do plum trees have long thorns?

Wild plum trees are small, multi-trunked trees. They can grow to a maximum height and width of 20 feet, according to the University of Florida, and often appear more like a shrub. The branches of the tree are thin and covered with long thorns that grow up to 3 inches.

What kind of trees have long thorns on them?

Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), also known as thorny locust or thorn tree, is a medium sized tree with pleasing, graceful foliage.

Does a cherry plum have thorns?

Unlike many of their plum tree cousins, cherry trees do not usually have thorns. One cherry species, however, does have small thorns. The Black Cherry, or Prunus serotina, features thorns along its branches, according to the University of Florida IFAS Extension.

How do you identify a damson plum tree?

Damson Plum Tree Information The small clingstone prunes are dark purple black with firm green or golden yellow flesh. The trees display an attractive, rounded shape. The ovoid green leaves are finely toothed along the edges. Look for clusters of white blooms to appear in spring.

What is a satsuma plum?

The Satsuma plum is a large Japanese variety of dark, solid red skin and dark red flesh. The fruit is firm and juicy. The Satsuma plum needs a pollinator to produce heavy crops in late July to early August.

What fruit tree has big thorns?

Citrus. Some of the most common fruit trees with thorns include lemons, limes and oranges. Even the varieties bred specifically for container culture have thorns.

What fruit tree has thorns?

Some fruit trees have thorns on them, depending on the species. Examples include lemon, orange, wild apple, thorn apple, pomegranate, wild plum, wild pear, and honey locust trees.

What kind of tree has thorns and berries?

Ornamental. The hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) is a small, bushy tree that produces a bright red berry-type fruit in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 9. Despite the long, sharp thorns on its branches, this plant is often used as a garden ornamental due to its lush foliage.