What kind of plant has green leaves with red veins?
What kind of plant has green leaves with red veins?
Nerve plant
Nerve plant (also known as Fittonia albivenis) is a wonderful tropical houseplant for tabletops, hanging baskets, and terrariums. It adds a distinctive touch to indoor decor because nerve plant’s rich green leaves are touched with bright pink, red, or white veins.
What plant has green leaves and purple flowers?
Boat Lily (Tradescantia spathacea) This tradescantia houseplant adds plenty of visual appeal to any interior with its purple and green foliage and small boat-shaped white flowers. The slender, pointed purple leaves grow in a rosette pattern and measure up to 12” (30 cm) tall.
What plant has green leaves with purple veins?
Fishnet Stockings coleus
Fishnet Stockings coleus (Solenostemon ‘Fishnet Stockings’) has deep purple veins in a netlike pattern on bright green leaves.
What is the name of a plant that has red and green leaves?
Croton (Codiaeum variegatum) Many varieties of Croton plants have vibrantly colored leaves in variegated red, green, orange, and yellow colors. Croton plants grow best in warm temperatures and are ideal houseplants with colorful foliage.
What plant is this red veins?
Aglaonema commutatum Red Vein is an elegant looking Aglaonema with longer skinnier leaves than most others. It has dark green leaves with red veins in the middle.
Is red veined sorrel invasive?
It can be grown around ponds, in a bog, or in a water garden. Keep the plants moist at all times. The plant can be invasive in the garden if allowed to self-sow.
What is the story behind a prayer plant?
Maranta (Prayer Plant): Gratitude Also called prayer plant, Maranta varieties earned their common name because their leaves curl up each night, like praying hands. “This movement common to Marantas symbolizes the reflective action of a daily prayer of gratitude,” Lindstedt says.
Is red veined sorrel poisonous?
Bloody dock plants are edible; however, some caution is advised. The plant contains oxalic acid (so does spinach) which may cause stomach discomfort when ingested or skin irritation on sensitive people.
What is red vein sorrel good for?
Red sorrel is a detoxifying herb and acts as a diuretic. Juicing Red sorrel leaves and ingesting the juice can benefit the kidneys and urinary tract. Tea made from steeping the leaves can be helpful for inflammation, fevers and scurvy.