What kind of leader was Montezuma?

Montezuma was commander of the army and organized extensive expeditions of conquest in deference to Huitzilopochtli, the god of war and of the sun. Through astrologers, the god instilled in the emperor a kind of fatalism in the face of an uncertain future.

Who is Montezuma and what did he do?

Montezuma (aka Moctezuma), or more correctly, Motecuhzoma II Xocoyotzin, meaning ‘Angry Like A Lord’, was the last fully independent ruler of the Aztec empire before the civilization’s collapse after the Spanish Conquest in the early 16th century CE.

Was Moctezuma II a good leader?

Much is known about the rule of Moctezuma II, the great 16th-century supreme military commander and “divine leader” who inspired worldwide awe with his battle-hardiness and wondrous ability to mediate with the Gods.

How many soldiers did Montezuma?

However, Moctezuma was able to raise an army numbering 200,000 and marched over the city of Yancuitlan (today known as Yanhuitlan), a city which had been previously conquered by Tizoc, and conquered Zozollan in the process.

What did Montezuma do for the Aztecs?

After inheriting the throne from his uncle, the great military leader Ahuitzotl, Montezuma ruled for two decades (1502–1520) and expanded the Aztec empire to its greatest size by conquering rival kingdoms stretching from modern-day Mexico City to Chiapas.

How many people Moctezuma ruled?

about one million people
The Valley of Mexico where the Aztecs ruled contained about one million people during Montezuma’s reign.

How is Moctezuma remembered?

He is a former head writer at VIVA Travel Guides. Emperor Montezuma Xocoyotzín (other spellings include Motecuzoma and Moctezuma) is remembered by history as the indecisive leader of the Mexica Empire who let Hernan Cortes and his conquistadors into the magnificent city of Tenochtitlan virtually unopposed.

How did Moctezuma come into power?

At the age of 36, Montezuma took the Aztec throne after his uncle, Ahuitzotl died. Ahuitzotl was an impressive ruler. During his time as emperor, he fought wars all over central America and doubled the size of the Aztec Empire.

Did Moctezuma betray his people?

Nezahualpilli’s death Eventually Nezahualpilli launched a campaign against Tlaxcala, though he did not go himself, instead sending two of his sons, Acatlemacoctzin and Tecuanehuatzin, as commanders. Moctezuma then decided to betray Nezahualpilli by sending a secret embassy to Tlaxcala telling them.

What did Moctezuma II do?

Moctezuma II was the most significant emperor of the Aztec Empire. Following the Aztec’s founding and construction of Tenochtitlan in the Valley of Mexico in 1325 AD, they quickly established their authority across the other societies in the valley.

What was Montezuma’s personality?

Historical portrayals of Moctezuma have mostly been colored by his role as ruler of a defeated nation, and many sources have described him as weak-willed, superstitious, and indecisive.