What kind of game is Ikariam?

Massively multiplayer online game
Strategy video game

What type of game is Evony?

Massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game

Platform(s) None
Release May 6, 2009
Genre(s) Massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game
Mode(s) Multiplayer

What game is better than Forge of Empires?

The best alternative is Age of Empires. It’s not free, so if you’re looking for a free alternative, you could try Dune Legacy or Warfare Incorporated. Other Forge of Empires like games are Command and Conquer, Dune, Crown of the Gods and Empire Rome Rising.

What should I play after Forge of Empires?

Compare Forge Of Empires alternatives using the curated list below….Alternatives to Forge Of Empires

  • Wakfu. Ankama.
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  • Game of Thrones Winter is Coming.
  • Half Life II.
  • Dishonored 2.
  • Dofus.
  • Lord of the Rings Online.
  • Path of Exile.

Who created Ikariam?

GameforgeIkariam / Developer

Is Evony safe to play?

This is a very safe game and i have been playing it a year now with no p… My Son is a very active member of the Evony game. He has played for a couple years without any problems but recently a virus or trojan or worm of some type was passed to him by another player through the game chat.

Is Evony worth playing?

Evony has a consumer rating of 1.51 stars from 70 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Consumers complaining about Evony most frequently mention customer service and world chat problems. Evony ranks 423rd among Games sites.

How long has Forge of Empires been around?

Forge of Empires is a browser-based strategy game developed by InnoGames. It was first launched on closed beta on 29 March 2012. The game was initially released on 17 April 2012 (open beta phase).

How much does it cost to play Evony?

Top In-App Purchases

Title Price
1,000 Gems $4.99
2,500 Gems $9.99
1,000 Gems $4.99
25,000 Gems $99.99