What kind of font is athelas?

serif typeface
Athelas is a serif typeface designed by Veronika Burian and Jose Scaglione and intended for use in body text. Released by their company TypeTogether in 2008, Burian and Scaglione described Athelas as inspired by British fine book printing.

Is athelas a good font?

Inspired by Britain’s classic literature, Athelas is an elegant book font family for screen and print. It takes full advantage of typographic tranquility and breathes peacefully on the page to usher the reader into the wordsmith’s art.

What type style has serifs?

Serif fonts are typefaces that have serifs, which are extra strokes on the ends of their letterforms. These typefaces evoke feelings of history, tradition, honesty, and integrity. There are many fonts that fall into the serif category containing different shapes, thicknesses, and lengths.

How many types of serifs are there?

Serif fonts can be broadly classified into one of four subgroups: old style, transitional, Didone and slab serif, in order of first appearance.

Is Athelas a real plant?

Well, there is not one single plant that fits all descriptions of Athelas, so you might have to postpone your trip to the garden centre or forest, but there are a number of plants that share a variety of the characteristics of Athelas. Some of these are not as unfamiliar as you might expect.

What does kingsfoil mean?

The word kingsfoil consists of the element king and the Old French element foil, which means «leaf»: the name of the herb in English literally means «king’s leaf». Both – its Sindarin name athelas and Quenya name asëa aranion, presumably bear the meaning «beneficial of kings».

Why are serifs used?

Serif fonts are usually used in lengthy text, such as books, newspapers and most magazines and are the most commonly used printed typestyle due to perceived readability. After all, when you strive to create something beautiful and remarkable to look at, the main goal is to have your message clear and readable!

What herb is athelas?

Athelas, also known as Kingsfoil or asëa aranion, was a sweet-smelling herb with healing properties, such as curing wounds, poison and counteracting evil influence such as the Black Breath….

Other names Kingsfoil (W), asëa aranion (Q)
Location Númenor and the Westlands, especially where Dúnedain had passed

Is athelas a free font?

We will present an ultra-modern font that is known as Athelas Font and this font is belonging to the Serif typeface family….Font Details.

Name Athelas Font
File Format OTF, TTF
License Free For Personal Use