What kind of compressor are used for ammonia?
What kind of compressor are used for ammonia?
Reciprocating, or piston-type compressors, are generally similar to an automobile’s engine system — the liquid enters the piston chamber and as the piston pushes on it, it is compressed into a vapor. In this style of compressor, the open compressor design is usually used for an ammonia compressor.
What does a condenser do on a ammonia system?
The condenser is the system that handles the refrigerant after it exits the compressor. It rejects the heat that is absorbed in the ammonia refrigerant from the evaporator and compressor. The high-pressure ammonia vapor changes state to a high-pressure liquid by transferring heat energy using an evaporative condenser.
Why do ammonia systems use evaporative condensers?
Evaporative condensers are commonly used for heat rejection in low temperature ammonia refrigeration applications in cold storage and food processing plants.
How do you charge an ammonia refrigeration system?
In order to charge the system, the ammonia installer needs to connect a charging line to the ammonia refrigeration system using the appropriate valve. In the absence of the proper valve, the charging can occur via a line which connected to the low-pressure side of the ammonia system.
Why is ammonia not used as a refrigerant?
Ammonia has desirable characteristics as a refrigerant, which have been well known for over a century. It is corrosive and hazardous when released in large quantities. Because of its irritating odor, persons will not voluntarily stay near concentrations that are health threatening.
Why is ammonia considered the cheapest refrigerant?
Ammonia is a 3-10% more efficient refrigerant than CFCs, so an ammonia-based system requires less electricity, resulting in lower operating costs.
How cold can ammonia refrigeration get?
The majority of ammonia systems are found in the food refrigeration industries at holding temperatures above 30oF (-1oC), frozen storage and blast freezing to -50oF (-46oC). Ammonia refrigeration also is found in gas processing, refineries and chemical plants.
How do you restore ammonia refrigerant?
Pressurise with nitrogen, blow the ammonia into a bucket of water, dump in flower garden or on lawn for fertilizer. The water will absorb the ammonia. OR follow any local regulations. Check the PH keep below 7.8 and no problem dunping.
What is the disadvantage of ammonia using as a refrigerant?
There are two key disadvantages to using ammonia as a refrigerant: It is not compatible with copper, so it cannot be used in any system with copper pipes. Ammonia is poisonous in high concentrations.
How efficient is ammonia as a refrigerant?
Ammonia is a 3-10% more efficient refrigerant than CFCs, so an ammonia-based system requires less electricity, resulting in lower operating costs. Ammonia is safe for the environment, with an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) rating of 0 and a Global Warming Potential (GWP) rating of 0.