What kind of coal is found in Alberta?

Two types of coal are mined in Alberta: thermal and metallurgical. Thermal coal is burned to run steam turbines for generating electricity. It is also used to heat homes. Coal-fired electricity generation in Alberta will be phased out by 2030.

What are the three types of coal in Canada?

Canada’s Coal Deposits Canada has anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, and lignite coal deposits.

What are the three main varieties of coal?

What are the types of coal?

  • Anthracite: The highest rank of coal.
  • Bituminous: Bituminous coal is a middle rank coal between subbituminous and anthracite.
  • Subbituminous: Subbituminous coal is black in color and is mainly dull (not shiny).

Is bituminous coal found in Alberta?

Coal mining in Alberta Coal-bearing formations underlie about 300,000 square kilometres, almost half of Alberta. In 2014, nine mine sites produced approximately 30.8 million tonnes (Mt) of marketable coal. Subbituminous coal accounted for 78% of the total, metallurgical bituminous coal the remaining 22%.

Is there coal in Alberta?

Coal facts The world’s total proven recoverable coal reserves are 1,000 billion tonnes (t) spread over more than 70 countries. Alberta averages 25 to 30 million tonnes of coal production each year from its 9 mines. Coal-bearing formations underlie about 300,000 square kilometres, almost half of Alberta.

Where is coal found in Alberta?

Coal in Alberta is found in the Coalspur Formation in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin in the foothills of southwestern Alberta. The Coalspur Formation, which has large quantities of high-quality coal, runs from south of the Wapiti River to the North Saskatchewan River.

What are the 4 different types of coal?

Coal is classified into four main types, or ranks: anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, and lignite. The ranking depends on the types and amounts of carbon the coal contains and on the amount of heat energy the coal can produce.

How many coal plants are in Alberta?

Often missed in the conversation is the fact that 12 of the 18 coal-fired power plants in Alberta would have had to shut down by 2030 anyway under federal regulations introduced by former prime minister Stephen Harper.

How many coal mines are there in Alberta?

all Alberta. Alberta has 9 producing coal mines -7 Thermal mines and 2 Met mines. thermal coal used for local power generation, the remainder exported to Asia, mainly Japan and South Korea.

How many coals are there?

There are four main coal types: lignite, subbituminous, bituminous and anthracite.

How much coal is there in Alberta?

Coal-bearing formations underlie about 300,000 square kilometres, almost half of Alberta. In 2014, 9 mine sites produced approximately 30.8 million tonnes (Mt) of marketable coal. Subbituminous coal accounted for 78% of the total, and metallurgical bituminous coal the remaining 22%.

Who first discovered coal in Alberta?

The presence of coal in Alberta is first recorded by a European explorer. In the February 12, 1793, entry of “Journal of a Journey over Land from Buckingham House to the Rocky Mountains in 1792 & 3 by Peter Fidler,” Fidler describes his coal discovery.

Will Alberta be hit hard by coal phase-out?

^ “Hanna, Alberta, could be hit hard by coal phase-out”. CBC. 14 January 2017. Retrieved 22 December 2020. ^ a b Cruickshank, Ainslie (2 September 2020). “Alberta coal miner launches legal challenge against federal environmental assessment”.

Does Alberta offer Rocky Mountain coal leases?

^ a b c d e “Alberta offers Rocky Mountain coal leases after rescinding protection policy”. CTV via CP. Edmonton, Alberta. 5 December 2020. Retrieved 22 December 2020. ^ Paula Baker (10 June 2013).