What kind of angel is Aziraphale?

Aziraphale (Sheen) is a Principality, which is in the lowest order. He’s below Seraphim, Cherubim, Dominions, Virtues, and Powers. Principalities are angels that guide and protect, inspire living things in art and science, and carry out orders given to them by the upper sphere angels.

What was Crowley’s angel name?

Crowley was the serpent who tempted Eve in Eden. His best (and only) friend is the angel Aziraphale. He loves his 1926 vintage Bentley, drinking with Aziraphale, and terrifying his houseplants.

Is Aziraphale a fallen angel?

Fandoms: Good Omens (TV) Aziraphale the Fallen, sketches of a soft-hearted demon and the ink on his skin that speaks to his descent from heaven to hell.

How do you describe Aziraphale?

Aziraphale is Heaven’s angelic representative on Earth in the novel Good Omens, described thus: “Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide.” His entry on the Good Omens …

Where is Aziraphale mentioned in the Bible?

Aziraphale is the angel of the flaming sword who guarded the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve were cast out (Genesis 3:24). In the opening of the book, he has just given the sword to the humans, citing the cold and Eve’s pregnancy.

Is Aziraphale a demon?

Aziraphale the Fallen, sketches of a soft-hearted demon and the ink on his skin that speaks to his descent from heaven to hell.

Why does Crowley have snake eyes?

He is a demon who did not so much fall from Heaven as Saunter Vaguely Downwards. Being the snake that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, naturally, his human form also has snake eyes, which he usually covers with designer sunglasses.

Is Crowley in love with Aziraphale?

The idea is that Crowley and Aziraphale don’t have sexual desires in the same way humans do because they weren’t created for reproductive purposes. Therefore, their love is portrayed as strictly platonic.

Which angel has a flaming sword?

The archangel Michael, holding a flaming sword and the scales of justice; in heaven the angels kneel before Christ; representing the Day of Judgement.

Was Aziraphale a real angel?

Aziraphale is an angel, originally from the novel Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, and a character on the Sueniverse.

What color are Aziraphale’s eyes?

Aziraphale’s eyes are brown on earth and blue in heaven…Hiya, I don’t think there is a…

What kind of demon is Crowley?

Red-eyed Demon
Crowley (Supernatural)

Species Red-eyed Demon Human (formerly)
Gender Male
Occupation King of Hell
Family Rowena MacLeod (mother) Gavin MacLeod (son)