What jobs can you get with a Christian studies degree?

Career Options

  • Pastor.
  • Archeologist.
  • Theologian.
  • Teacher/Professor.
  • Chaplain.
  • Writer/Editor.
  • Counselor.
  • Missionary.

How useful is a religious studies degree?

Believe it or not, studying religion will help you understand human behaviors, and that is very helpful to employers. You’ll also learn critical thinking and writing skills, which are especially valuable in the job market. Some common career fields for people who major in Religious Studies include: Counselor.

What can you do with a bachelors in religion?

Religious studies is a versatile liberal arts degree that offers multiple career paths. With a degree in religious studies, graduates can become religion teachers, counselors, advocates, community service managers, or religious studies professors.

How much do Bible scholars make?

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $123,500 and as low as $19,000, the majority of Biblical Studies salaries currently range between $31,500 (25th percentile) to $56,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $93,500 annually across the United States.

Why get a masters in religious studies?

Earning a Master in Religious Studies is a great choice for people who want to help others and strive to make the world a better place. Students who graduate with a degree in religious studies can work to solve religious conflicts, provide counseling services and teach others patience, compassion and understanding.

Why get a masters in Religious Studies?

What can you do with a master’s in Religious Studies?

Your religious studies master can lead to a wide range of leadership opportunities, including these top jobs:

  • Religious Activities and Education Directors.
  • Community and Social Service Specialists.
  • Clergy.
  • Social and Community Service Managers.
  • Postsecondary Education Administrators.
  • Postsecondary Teachers.

What career field is religion studies?

Many graduates use their religious studies degree to pursue professional and graduate programs, and eventually careers, in various areas including education, journalism, sociology, law, social work and medicine.

Can you make money with a theology degree?

They are usually employed by colleges and universities, and they typically have a Ph. D. or other advanced degree in religious studies. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 23,430 theologists and philosophy teachers work in the United States, earning an average of $72,200 per year.

How do I become a biblical professor?

Theology professors must also obtain master’s level education. Some professors hold master of divinity degrees, while others opt for master of theology degrees. While some institutions will hire a theology professor with only a master’s level degree, most schools require that the candidate possess a Ph. D. or Th.