What jobs are in demand in NJ 2021?

5 In-Demand Jobs in New Jersey You Should Consider

  • Nurses. Nursing may be a wise career path in 2021.
  • Software and application developers. Software development is an in-demand job in New Jersey in 2021.
  • Home care aides.
  • Hand laborers and freight, stock, and material movers.
  • Foodservice workers.

What is the best job to have in New Jersey?

Highest-paying jobs in New Jersey

  1. Nurse. Average salary: $92,508 per year.
  2. Compensation manager. Average salary: $107,806 per year.
  3. Finance manager. Average salary: $108,692 per year.
  4. Head of security. Average salary: $111,534 per year.
  5. Software engineer.
  6. Engineering manager.
  7. Network security engineer.
  8. Economist.

What is the most popular job in New Jersey?

Retail salespeople The most common occupation among New Jerseyans in 2015, with more than 136,000 people in the field, was retail salesperson. That’s 34.9 positions for every 1,000 jobs in the state.

Is New Jersey good for jobs?

New Jersey ranks the best for jobs in the tri-state area with Delaware ranking 27th and Pennsylvania coming in 40th.

What is a great salary in NJ?

Average Salary in New Jersey

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $85,923 $7,160
75th Percentile $70,648 $5,887
Average $58,149 $4,845
25th Percentile $47,257 $3,938

What is the most paid job in New Jersey?

Consultant And Sales Representative
Detailed List Of Highest Paying Jobs In New Jersey

Rank Job Title Average Salary
1 Consultant And Sales Representative $250,345
2 Revenue Officer $242,682
3 Vice President, Products & Marketing $219,073
4 Senior Vice President Of Marketing $209,624

What is good salary in NJ?

Average Salary in New Jersey

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $100,293 $8,357
75th Percentile $75,220 $6,268
Average $64,398 $5,366
25th Percentile $50,146 $4,178

What is the highest paid job in NJ?

What is a liveable salary in New Jersey?

9% of jobs $22.72 is the 25th percentile. Wages below this are outliers. 27% of jobs $33.97 is the 75th percentile. Wages above this are outliers….What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Average Jobs in New Jersey.

City Jersey City
Annual Salary $66,958
Monthly Pay $5,580
Weekly Pay $1,288
Hourly Wage $32.19

What is a comfortable salary in NJ?

How much does a Comfortable make in New Jersey? As of Jun 3, 2022, the average annual pay for the Comfortable jobs category in New Jersey is $44,597 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $21.44 an hour. This is the equivalent of $858/week or $3,716/month.

Who makes the most money in NJ?

Here’s a quick look at the top ten highest paying jobs in New Jersey:

  • Consultant And Sales Representative.
  • Revenue Officer.
  • Vice President, Products & Marketing.
  • Senior Vice President Of Marketing.
  • President/Chief Executive Officer.
  • Vice President Worldwide Sales.
  • Global Vice President Of Sales.

Why are so many people moving out of NJ?

Work Opportunities. According to data, the main reason why people left New Jersey in 2020 and continued to do so in 2021 is because of better work opportunities. Research estimates that out of all residents who left the state, 46 percent cited “job” as their reason for going.