What is your sacred space?

Your sacred space is your own private sanctuary — or, if you live with other practitioners, a communal room devoted to spiritual practice. Decorate it carefully and simply, paying attention to details that will help you relax.

Is sacred Space Catholic?

Sacred Space is a prayer website that was founded in 1999. It was created by two members of the Jesuit order, Alan McGuckian and Peter Scally, and was managed by the Jesuit Communication Centre, Dublin, Ireland, until June 2008….Sacred Space (website)

Type of site Prayer
Launched 1999
Current status Active

Who runs sacred space?

When we discovered the Chicago-based Sacred Space International and its dynamic Executive Director Deirdre Colgan, we knew immediately there were synergies in our work. We’re proud to be bringing her talents and expertise to eight U.S. cities and introducing her organization to millions of PBS viewers.

How do I make sacred space in my house?

10 Ideas to Create Sacred Space In Your Home

  1. Set Boundaries.
  2. Open Up Your Space for Deeper Thoughts.
  3. Drown Out the Outside World.
  4. Decorate It With Important Reminders.
  5. Stay Hydrated.
  6. Positive Scents.
  7. Blankets and Soft Pillows.
  8. Music or Calming Noise.

How do I open sacred space?

Opening Sacred Space

  1. Step 1: Open Your Wiracocha. Stand relaxed in your treatment room, and imagine you have a golden sun radiating above your head.
  2. Step 2: Call In the Six Directions. One-by-one, face each cardinal direction—South, West, North, East.
  3. Step 3: Close Your Wiracocha.
  4. Step 4: Close the Sacred Space.

What are examples of sacred spaces?

Hagia Sophia is another example of a religious site whose religious importance and use has changed over time. The Rothko Chapel is an example of a sacred space designed to welcome people of any religion. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is built on a site (Temple Mount) that is sacred to Jews, Muslims, and Christians.

What are some examples of sacred spaces?

What is the holiest place in Christianity?

Catholics, like many other Christians, regards the Sepulchre in Jerusalem to be the holiest of places. It also places emphasis on Nazareth, Bethlehem, Capernaum, and other parts of the Holy Land as sacred since apostolic times, and notes as places of special sanctity the sanctuaries built on the tombs of the Apostles.

What is the sacred space of Christianity?

In a similar fashion, Paul asserts, sacred space is created for Christians through the divine presence too. The community, like the temple, is consecrated by a presence of the Spirit dwelling within the community. The space of the temple is the community: “God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.” (1 Cor. 3:17).

What do you put in a sacred space?

Some elements and ideas for bringing a sacred space into being

  1. Alter.
  2. Plants and flowers.
  3. Rocks and crystals.
  4. Windchimes.
  5. Candles and incense.
  6. Goddess and daily meditation cards.
  7. Books that awaken and nourish the soul.
  8. Beautiful bath and skin products.

How do you pray to the four directions?

Prayer to The Four Directions … Let there be light in my words, let there be light on my path that I walk. Let me remember always that you give the gift of a new day. And never let me be burdened with sorrow by not starting over again. Great Spirit of Love, come to me with the power of the North (white).