What is your education attainment?

Educational attainment refers to the highest level of education that a person has successfully completed. Successful completion of a level of education refers to the achievement of the learning objectives of that level, typically validated through the assessment of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies.

What is example of highest educational attainment?

Classification of highest educational attainment

  1. 1 – Less than secondary (high) school graduation (highest)
  2. 2 – Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalent (highest attainment)
  3. 3 – Some postsecondary education (highest)
  4. 4 – Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree (highest)

What is you highest educational attainment?

Highest educational attainment refers to the highest grade or year completed in school, college or university as of May 1, 2000. This may be any one of the specific grades or years in elementary, high school, post secondary school, college and post-baccalaureate levels of schooling.

What is your highest educational attainment undergraduate?

4.2 – Bachelor’s degree (highest) This category includes persons who have obtained a bachelor’s degree awarded by a degree-granting institution and who have not obtained any higher degrees, certificates or diplomas. It includes for example, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Laws.

What are the educational attainment in Philippines?

Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative) in Philippines was 71.23 as of 2019. Its highest value over the past 49 years was 71.23 in 2019, while its lowest value was 23.76 in 1970.

How do you ask for educational attainment?

Follow these steps to answer questions the interviewer asks about your education:

  1. Start with your most recent formal education experience. Your resume most likely includes your most recent formal education level.
  2. Describe any additional experience relevant to the position.
  3. Finish with what you do to continue to learn.

What is the highest educational attainment in Philippines?

High School

Highest Educational Attainment Household Population 5 Years Old & Over Male
High School 34,852 17,728
Post Secondary 3,722 1,768
College Undergraduate 10,454 4,815
Academic Degree Holder 3,330 1,327

What is educational attainment Philippines?

What is your academic degree?

An academic degree is a certification students get when they graduate from a university. It shows they successfully completed their classes, and passed a final examination. It is an official credential. The length of courses, and the number of courses vary depending on which college is attended.

What level of education is college?

Higher education is third level education after you leave school. It takes places at universities and Further Education colleges and normally includes undergraduate and postgraduate study.