What is XS minInclusive?

Within a restriction step, xs:minInclusive is also dependent on xs:maxExclusive and xs:maxInclusive , since using inconsistent values leads to datatypes with empty value spaces. xs:minInclusive must restrict the value space of its base type, and its value must be in the value space of the base type.

What is xsd long?

Description. The value space of xsd:long is the set of common double-size integers (64 bits)—the integers between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807. Its lexical space allows any number of insignificant leading zeros.

What is XS restriction?

Type of the Element on which restriction is to be applied. For example, specifies that this restriction is specific to an element of type int. restriction. restriction is normally a range of conditions to be applied on the element’s value.

What is XS token?

The lexical and value spaces of xs:token are the sets of all the strings after whitespace replacement—i.e., after any occurrence of #x9 (tab), #xA (linefeed), and #xD (carriage return) is replaced by an occurrence of #x20 (space) and collapsing (i.e., the contiguous occurrences of spaces are replaced by a single space.

What is a sequence in XSD?


What is XSD data type?

The xsd:boolean data type accepts two values, true and false , but depending on whether it is on input or output data, these values representations can change. On input (on queries), boolean values can be: String literals without quotation marks. For example, oslc.

What are strings XML?

A single string that can be referenced from the application or from other resource files (such as an XML layout). Note: A string is a simple resource that is referenced using the value provided in the name attribute (not the name of the XML file).

What is XSD decimal?

Description. xsd:decimal is the datatype that represents the set of all decimal numbers with arbitrary lengths. Its lexical space allows any number of insignificant leading and trailing zeros (after the decimal point).

What is XML token?

XML tokens are offered in two well-known formats called Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and eXtensible rights Markup Language (XrML). In WebSphere® Application Server Versions 6 and later, you can plug in your own implementation.