What is XeLaTeX LuaLaTeX?

XeLaTeX means using the LaTeX macro package with the XeTeX engine. LuaLaTeX means using the LaTeX macro package with the LuaTeX engine.

Should I use PDFLaTeX or XeLaTeX?

PDFLaTeX is faster than XeLaTeX as you’ve noticed. It also currently has better support for certain advanced microtypographic features. (Margin kerning and the like.) And if you really want to confuse yourself, you could also be considering LuaLaTeX at this point too.

What is fontspec?

Fontspec is a package for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. It provides an automatic and unified interface to feature-rich AAT and OpenType fonts through the NFSS in LaTeX running on XeTeX or LuaTeX engines.

How do I convert from PDFLaTeX to XeLaTeX?

with a simple keyboard shortcut or setting – Maybe pressing Cmd L , Cmd X or similar. This would then toggle between pdflatex and xelatex building.

How do I get XeLaTeX?

To install XeLaTeX please download and run MiKTeX installer. Select per-user installation. Select option to install missing packages automatically as shown on the screenshot below. After XeLaTeX has been installed you will be able to export your documents from Texts as PDF files in one click.

What is the difference between pdfTeX and pdfLaTeX?

are simply macro packages for TeX, they work equally well with pdfTeX. Hence, pdflatex , for example, calls the pdfTeX program using the standard LaTeX macros to typeset LaTeX documents, whereas it is the default rendering engine for ConTeXt documents.

What is the difference between pdfTeX and Pdflatex?

How do you use XeLaTeX Overleaf?

Click on the Settings icon (i.e. the gear icon) above the preview panel of your Overleaf editor, and then select either “XeLaTeX” or “LuaLaTeX” from the “LaTeX engine” drop list. Don’t forget to click on “Save project settings” to apply the changes.

When was pdfTeX invented?

The TeX program is remarkably stable for a piece of software over 20 years old; Knuth declared that it was feature complete in 1989, and only bug fixes have been made since.

Does MacTeX include XeLaTeX?

MacTeX-2022 (for Mac OS 10.14 through 12) This package installs TeX Live, the complete reference edition of TeX. TeX Live runs on Intel and Arm machines, and supports TeX, LaTeX, pdfTeX, pdfLaTeX, AMSTeX, ConTeXt, XeTeX, XeLaTeX, LuaTeX, LuaLaTeX, and every commonly used package in the TeX world.

How do I install XeLaTeX on Windows 10?

When was pdftex invented?