What is wrong with my lime tree?
What is wrong with my lime tree?
Leaf miners, scale, citrus mites, and aphids are the most common pests of a lime tree. Leaf miner – The leaf miner attacks new growth on the lime tree. As far as lime tree pests go, they cause a lot of damage to new developing leaves.
How much water does a Bearss lime tree need?
Water the soil deeply once or twice a week, rather than frequent shallow watering. When the soil is dry to about 6 inches, water the lime tree. Do not let the lime tree dry out, since the leaves will wilt and drop. Overwatering symptoms include yellowing and cupping leaves.
How do you take care of a dwarf Bearss lime tree?
Dwarf limes planted in containers require watering only when the top level of the soil is dry. Add water to thoroughly moisten the soil, allowing for drainage. Do not overwater, which inhibits healthy growth. If the soil is still moist, check again in a day or two before watering.
How long does it take for a Bearss lime tree to bear fruit?
Lime trees typically need at least 3 to 4 years to bear fruit, depending on the size of your tree at purchase. They also need ideal growing conditions, including plenty of sunlight, adequate moisture and well-draining soil.
How do you revive a dying lime tree?
No matter how much fertilizer you give a citrus tree, it will not revive if it’s planted in a poor location. Citrus trees need plenty of sunlight and warm weather, so a location that receives full sun is vital. If possible, prune back branches of any trees shading the citrus tree, especially toward the south.
How do you treat leaf curl on a lime tree?
Use neem oil or insecticidal soap to treat citrus tree leaf curl. If the infestation is severe, a weekly treatment may be necessary for your plant to recover. When applying insecticide, remember to spray generously on the leaves.
Are Bearss limes self pollinating?
‘Bearss Lime’ is self-fertile, but will require hand-pollination when grown indoors.