What is wrong with Blue Apron?

Meal kit company Blue Apron has lost some of its steam in customer retention, losing 21,000 customers in Q2 2021 compared to the same period last year, but says other key performance metrics including average order value and average revenue per customer are strong.

Are meal kits overpriced?

From a purely financial perspective, the difference in two out of the three test kits was negligible. And while the dinners provided by Hello Fresh were considerably more expensive than if you had gone to the grocery store, there’s also the matter of time — your time, and that of anyone else who cooks.

Why do people buy meal subscriptions?

The top two reasons for meal kit purchases were “saves me time meal planning” (43.4%) and “saves me time shopping” (36.0%), followed by the number three option “to try new cuisines” (32.7%). Interestingly, “saves me time cooking” fell a bit farther down the list.

Who owns Blue Apron?

Blue Apron HoldingsBlue Apron / Parent organization

What are the negatives of a meal kit delivery?

Some meal kit services even provide organic foods, gluten-free or dairy-free meals, and low-sodium options. The main drawback of using meal kit services is that while these meals are cheaper than eating out and convenient, you’ll pay more by not shopping and cooking yourself.

Why is HelloFresh failing?

Here are some of the problems that Blue Apron and HelloFresh share: It’s expensive getting customers to sign up. Both BlueApron and HelloFresh rely on aggressive (and costly) sales techniques to get customers subscribing to their meal kits. It’s difficult keeping customers loyal.

Why is Hello Fresh failing?

Is Blue Apron safe?

Every Blue Apron employee who handles food in any manner undergoes our comprehensive food safety training program, in compliance with the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements.