What is woven bone?
What is woven bone?
Woven bone is produced when osteoblasts produce osteoid rapidly, which occurs initially in all fetal bones, but is later replaced by more resilient lamellar bone. In adults woven bone is created after fractures or in Paget’s disease.
What type of bone is woven bone?
Primary bone (or woven bone) is characterized by the irregular arrangement of collagen fibers, large cell number, and reduced mineral content. Note the primary bone is deposited on hyaline cartilage. Primary bone is acidophilic while the hyaline cartilage is basophilic.
Is woven bone cancellous bone?
‘Woven bone can be found in the embryonic skeleton and in cortical and cancellous bone in states of rapid bone growth, bone replacement, or high bone turnover. It is replaced in the normal skeleton by lamellar bone after completion of growth.
What is woven bone made of?
Two types of bone can be identified according to the pattern of collagen forming the osteoid: Woven bone: characterized by a haphazard organization of collagen fibres and is mechanically weak. Lamellar bone: characterized by a regular parallel alignment of collagen into sheets (lamellae) and is mechanically strong.
What is lamellar and woven bone?
Woven bone has a matrix of interwoven coarse collagen fibers with osteocytes distributed at random. It is less organized than lamellar bone. Woven bone is replaced by lamellar bone at age two or three years. Lamellar bone is a mature bone that results from the remodeling of immature woven bone.
What is the function of woven bone?
The under-appreciated biological significance of woven bone is that it initiates formation de novo at sites of no previous bone. This information allows for targeted assessment of molecular-biophysical mechanisms underlying woven bone formation and their utilisation for initiating enhanced bone formation.
What is spongy bone?
Spongy (cancellous) bone is lighter and less dense than compact bone. Spongy bone consists of plates (trabeculae) and bars of bone adjacent to small, irregular cavities that contain red bone marrow. The canaliculi connect to the adjacent cavities, instead of a central haversian canal, to receive their blood supply.
What is woven bone quizlet?
Woven Bone. Collagen fibers randomly oriented. Formed during fetal development and during fracture repair. for fractures it is laid down to stop blood loss.
Is spongy bone lamellar?
Spongy bone tissue does not contain osteons. Instead, it consists of trabeculae, which are lamellae that are arranged as rods or plates.
How can you tell the difference between a woven bone and a lamellar bone?
In woven-fibred bone, collagen fibres are arranged in a random fashion. In parallel-fibred bone, fibres run parallel to one another in the same direction. In lamellar bone, the fibres are arranged in layers (the lamellae), with the fibres in each layer having a specific orientation (different from adjacent layers).
How is spongy bone formed?
Osteoblasts penetrate the disintegrating cartilage and replace it with spongy bone. This forms a primary ossification center. Ossification continues from this center toward the ends of the bones. After spongy bone is formed in the diaphysis, osteoclasts break down the newly formed bone to open up the medullary cavity.
What is spongy and compact bone?
Compact bone is dense and composed of osteons, while spongy bone is less dense and made up of trabeculae. Blood vessels and nerves enter the bone through the nutrient foramina to nourish and innervate bones.