What is wordmarks or logotypes?

Similar to a lettermark, a wordmark or logotype is a font-based logo that focuses on a business’ name alone. Think Visa and Coca-Cola. Wordmark logos work really well when a company has a succinct and distinct name. Google’s logo is a great example of this.

What are 5 characteristics of logos?

5 Characteristics of a Good Logo

  • Simple. Many of the most impactful and successful logos in history are surprisingly simple.
  • Relevant. The first quality great logos share is that they’re relevant to the markets their companies target.
  • Memorable.
  • Timeless.
  • Versatile.

What are the differences between logo and logotype?

A logotype is a logo centered around a company name or initials, while a logomark is a logo centered around a symbolic image or icon. The general term logo refers to all marks that represent a brand.

What is a logo lockup?

A lock-up is the final form of a logo with all of it’s elements locked in their relative positions. For the sake of maintaining consistency in all mediums, the lock-up should not be taken apart or altered in any way. A good lock-up will create a sense of cohesion between the elements.

What is a brandmark logo?

Brandmark definition is the visual elements, images, symbols, and other identifying features of a company’s brand that help it stand out from other businesses.

What are elements of a logo?

Make sure your logo has these 10 elements:

  • Your company logo is strong and balanced.
  • Your logo is simple.
  • Your logo is memorable.
  • Your logo is flexible.
  • Your logo uses appropriate colors.
  • Your logo is timeless.
  • Your company logo is unique.
  • Your logo uses quality typography.

What are the qualities of a logo?

Five Characteristics of a Great Logo

  • Simple. Simple logos are the ones people can recognize as soon as they see them.
  • Scalable. A great logo should be simple enough to be able to be scaled down or up and still look good.
  • Memorable / Impactful. A great logo should be impactful.
  • Versatile.
  • Relevant.

What is an Imagotype?

Home Dictionary Imagotype. Graphic mark comprised of a combination of an iconic/symbolic logo and a word mark in a single design.

What is a logo typeface?

Script logo fonts are both formal and casual typefaces that have the loops and flourishes of script handwriting. Sans-serif logo fonts lack the “feet” at the ends of each letterform and are considered more modern than their serif counterparts.