What is wattmeter unit?

The wattmeter is an instrument for measuring the electric active power (or the average of the rate of flow of electrical energy) in watts of any given circuit. Electromagnetic wattmeters are used for measurement of utility frequency and audio frequency power; other types are required for radio frequency measurements.

How would you measure power using three wattmeter?

The current coil of each wattmeter carries the current of one phase only and the pressure coil measures the phase voltage of the phase. Hence, each wattmeter measures the power in a single phase. The total power in the load is given by the algebraic sum of the readings of the three wattmeters.

How is wattmeter power measured?

Each wattmeter measures a line-to-line voltage between two of the three power supply lines. In this configuration, the total power, watts is accurately measured by the algebraic sum of the two wattmeter values. Pt = P1 + P2. This holds true if the system is balanced or unbalanced.

Which quantity is measured by wattmeter?

Electrical power is measured and displayed in watts, the standard unit of measurement. A typical wattmeter can measure voltage (V), current (A), power (W), power factor (pf) and energy consumption (kWh). Measurement accuracy varies within the range of ±1% to ±5% depending on the brand and model of the device.

What is watt-hour meter?

watt-hour meter, device that measures and records over time the electric power flowing through a circuit. Although there are several different types of watt-hour meters, each consists essentially of a small electric motor and a counter.

What is CC and PC in wattmeter?

Measuring Techniques. POWER MEASUREMENT. The wattmeter is used for measurement of average power in any electrical network. The wattmeter has a voltage or potential coil (PC) and a current coil (CC) with polarity marking as indicated in Fig. 5.

What is the method of measurement of 3 phase power?

Various methods are used for measurement of three phase power in three phase circuits on the basis of number of wattmeters used. We have three methods to discuss: Three wattmeters method. Two wattmeters method.

Can we use 3 wattmeter method of power measurement for balanced load?

Also, three wattmeter method has the advantage of measuring three-phase power in both balanced and unbalanced load. But due to its limitations, it is therefore used only in a 3-phase 4-wire circuit. This drawback can be overcome by using two wattmeter method for measuring power in both balanced and unbalanced load.

What are the units for apparent power?

Apparent power is conventionally expressed in volt-amperes (VA) since it is the simple product of rms voltage and rms current.

What is watt hour meter?

Is watt-hour a unit of energy?

A watt-hour (Wh) is a unit of energy; it’s a way to measure the amount of work performed or generated. Household appliances and other electrical devices perform “work” and that requires energy in the form of electricity.