What is war from On War Clausewitz?

For Clausewitz, “war is not merely a political act but a real political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse, a carrying out of the same by other means,” (On War (1943), pp. 280). That is to say, war is one means of political intercourse, characterized by military force, to accomplish political ends.

Is On War public domain?

Copyright: The text is in the public domain.

What is Clausewitz strategy of war?

Carl von Clausewitz. Strategy is about picking the right battles. Tactics are about successfully executing those battles. Strategy is concerned with defining an overall purpose and priorities. It is holistic.

What is the Clausewitz Trinity?

Clausewitz’s Trinity Clausewitz argues that war is a phe- nomenon consisting of three central elements or dominant tendencies. This triad, or trinity, is a paradoxical relationship “composed of primordial violence, hatred, and enmity . . .

Was Clausewitz a realist?

Clausewitz is often referred to as a realist, mainly because of his famous dictum that ‘war is the continuation of politics by other means’. 50 War is therefore regarded as a necessary and legitimate feature of interstate relations.

What is the best translation of Clausewitz’s On War?

The translation of Clausewitz’s On War is the 1943 version done by German literary scholar O.J. Matthijs Jolles at the University of Chicago during World War II—not today’s standard translation, but certainly the most accurate. Sun Tzu is presented in the modern translation by Roger Ames, based on complete ancient texts found by archaeologists.

Is Clausewitz’s picture of war saturated?

But these alterations in method make no difference in the truth of the picture of War which Clausewitz presents, with which every soldier, and above all every Leader, should be saturated.

What happened to Clausewitz after WW1?

After the close of the Russian campaign Clausewitz remained in the service of that country, but was attached as a Russian staff officer to Blücher’s headquarters till the Armistice in 1813. In 1814, he became Chief of the Staff of General Walmoden’s Russo-German Corps, which formed part of the Army of the North under Bernadotte.

Did von Clausewitz fight in Russia in 1812?

(*) “Campaign in Russia in 1812”; translated from the German of General Von Clausewitz (by Lord Ellesmere). After the close of the Russian campaign Clausewitz remained in the service of that country, but was attached as a Russian staff officer to Blücher’s headquarters till the Armistice in 1813.