What is Wacquant theory?

To understand this concept, Wacquant argues for a single analytical frame unifying expansive “prisonfare” and attenuating workfare, resulting in a deepening marginalisation and social and political subordination of stigmatized and defamed “surplus” populations.

What was Loïc Wacquant research about?

About Loïc’s Work Loïc Wacquant is a sociologist exploring the changing forms and conditions of urban poverty in Europe and America. Wacquant’s early work bridged the heavily theoretical French perspective of the human sciences and the mostly empirical and quantitative scholarship of mainstream American social science.

What is a ghetto building a sociological concept?

This reveals that a ghetto is a social-organizational device composed of four elements (stigma, constraint, spatial confinement, and institutional encasement) that employs space to reconcile the two antinomic purposes of economic exploitation and social ostracization.

What does Ghettoisation mean?

/ (ˈɡɛtəʊˌaɪz) / verb. (tr) to confine or restrict to a particular area, activity, or categoryto ghettoize women as housewives.

What is the ghetto by Wacquant?

Wacquant (2004) sees the ghetto as an instrument for ethno-racial segregation, supervision and control and a form of urban inequality and violence.

What is the reason for ghettoisation?

Ghettoisation refers to the process that leads to such a situation. This may occur due to various social, cultural and economic reasons. Fear or hostility may also compel a community to group together as they feel more secure living among their own.

How do you pronounce ghettoisation?

ghettoisation Pronunciation. ghet·toi·sa·tion.

Who gave the concept of ghetto in sociology?

Wirth 1928 used the term ghetto to connote a natural area that all who enter will assimilate into and later escape from, a notion that was heavily refuted by later scholars.

What is ghettoisation explain?

(tr) to confine or restrict to a particular area, activity, or categoryto ghettoize women as housewives.

What is meant ghettoisation?

ghettoize in British English or ghettoise (ˈɡɛtəʊˌaɪz ) verb. (transitive) to confine or restrict to a particular area, activity, or category. to ghettoize computer hackers as troublemakers.

What does ghetto mean today?

The term ghetto is a derogatory term for a neighborhood characterized by low property values and relatively little public or private investment. It is a slang term that is generally considered an offensive stereotype because ghettos have historically been inhabited by racial minorities.