What is W3C ontology?

The W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a Semantic Web language designed to represent rich and complex knowledge about things, groups of things, and relations between things.

What is SKOS concept?

SKOS—Simple Knowledge Organization System—provides a model for expressing the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, folksonomies, and other similar types of controlled vocabulary.

What are ontologies used for?

Ontology Use Cases In a nutshell, ontologies are frameworks for representing shareable and reusable knowledge across a domain. Their ability to describe relationships and their high interconnectedness make them the bases for modeling high-quality, linked and coherent data.

What is SKOS ontology?

SKOS, which stands for Simple Knowledge Organization System, is a W3C standard, based on other Semantic Web standards (RDF and OWL), that provides a way to represent controlled vocabularies, taxonomies and thesauri. Specifically, SKOS itself is an OWL ontology and it can be written out in any RDF syntax.

What is taxonomy and ontology?

According to Bob Bater , “an ontology identifies and distinguishes concepts and their relationships; it describes content and relationships. A taxonomy formalizes the hierarchical relationships among concepts and specifies the term to be used to refer to each; it prescribes structure and terminology.”

What is a synonym for ontological?

existential, metaphysical, phenomenological, philosophical, supernatural, transcendental.

What is the difference between RDF and Rdfs?

RDF in general is a method of conceptual data modelling. RDFS provides a mechanism for describing groups of related resources (RDF), and the relation between them. Example of these properties are classes, sub-classes, range and domains. So in essence, RDFS is a semantic extension of RDF.


The SKOS data model is formally defined in this specification as an OWL Full ontology [OWL-SEMANTICS]. SKOS data are expressed as RDF triples [RDF-CONCEPTS], and may be encoded using any concrete RDF syntax (such as RDF/XML [RDF-XML] or Turtle [TURTLE]).

What is RDF type?

rdf:type is an instance of rdf:Property that is used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. states that C is an instance of rdfs:Class and R is an instance of C. The rdfs:domain of rdf:type is rdfs:Resource.

What is the difference between an ontology and a data model?

Unlike data models, the fundamental asset of ontologies is their relative independence of particular applications, i.e. an ontology consists of relatively generic knowledge that can be reused by different kinds of applications/tasks.