What is VVol in NetApp?

A VVOL is a storage object that contains parts of a virtual machine, such as virtual disks, configuration files, swap files, data files, and memory files. If you are using a block protocol then all the VVOLs must be LUNs.

What is a VVol?

Overview. vVols are VMDK granular storage entities exported by storage arrays. vVols are exported to the ESXi host through a small set of protocol end-points (PE). Protocol Endpoints are part of the physical storage fabric, and they establish a data path from virtual machines to their respective vVols on demand.

How do I set up VVol?

You must perform initial configuration steps to use virtual volumes (VVols) in the NetApp Element Plug-in for vCenter Server.

  1. Enable virtual volumes functionality on the NetApp Element cluster.
  2. Register the VASA provider with vCenter.
  3. Create a storage container and associated VVol datastore.

Does NetApp support VVols?

The NetApp Element VASA provider uses a NetApp certificate. With this patch, the certificate is used unmodified by vCenter to support multiple vCenters for VASA and VVols use. Do not modify the certificate.

What is the difference between VMFS and VVol?

Where VMFS was very LUN-centric and static creating silos within an array, aligning data services to LUNs and utilizing pre-allocated and over-provisioned resources. vVols is VM-centric and dynamic where nothing is pre-allocated, no silos are created and array data services are aligned at the more granular VM-level.

What is a VVol in VMware?

vVols defines a new virtual disk container (Virtual Volume) that is independent of the underlying physical storage representation. This virtual disk becomes the primary unit of data management, eliminating pre-allocated LUNs/Volumes.

What is Vasa provider VMware?

VASA Provider for ONTAP uses VMware vSphere APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA) to improve storage management between Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere and the vCenter Server. You can use VASA Provider to manage features such as storage capability profiles, alarms, and virtual volumes (VVols).

What is Vasa vSphere?

vStorage APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA) is a set of application program interfaces (APIs) that enables vSphere vCenter to recognize the capabilities of storage arrays. Such capabilities, including RAID, native thin provisioning and deduplication, are made visible within vCenter.

What is a benefit of using vVols?

Advantages of Using vVols Simplified storage management for large virtual environments. Flexible and granular storage management on the VM level. Optimal resource utilization, dynamic adjustment in real-time. Avoidance of overprovisioning. Policy-based automated and centralized storage provisioning.

What is Vasa service?

vSphere APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA) is the VMware-designed API used to communicate between vSphere and the underlying storage, in the case for Pure, the FlashArray.

How do I unregister Vasa provider from vCenter?


  1. Unregister VASA Provider from Virtual Storage Console for VMware vSphere.
  2. Locate the VASA Provider virtual appliance in the vCenter GUI.
  3. Select the VASA Provider and power it off.
  4. From the Actions menu, select All vCenter Actions > Delete from Disk.