What is vice versa with example?

phrase. Vice versa is used to indicate that the reverse of what you have said is true. For example ‘people can perform some tasks better than machines can and vice versa’ means that machines can perform some tasks better than people can.

What does the slang vice versa mean?

and the other way around
Vice versa is a Latin phrase translating to “and the other way around.” It has become a common English expression to show that the reverse of something said is true.

Is it vice versa or visa versa?

The second word, versa, is pronounced verse-ah. Because of the disagreement over how to pronounce vice, vice versa is sometimes erroneously spelled as visa versa. Don’t make this mistake: there is no such phrase as visa versa.

What is Tagalog of vice versa?

kabaligtaran. More Filipino words for vice versa. kabaligtaran adverb. vice versa. gayon din naman adverb.

Do you have any vices meaning?

a moral fault or weakness in someone’s character: Greed, pride, envy, and lust are considered to be vices.

What is the short term for vice Versa?

VV. (redirected from vice versa)

Does vice mean versus?

That vice is a preposition meaning “in the place of” or “rather than.” It appears in formal statements like “I will preside, vice the absent chairman,” and comes ultimately from Latin (by way of Anglo-French through Middle English), from vicis, meaning “change, alternation, stead,” making it unrelated to either the …

What is the meaning of vice versa in Nepali?

विलोमत: ⇄ vice versa.

What is a vice to a person?

Definition of vice (Entry 1 of 4) 1a : moral depravity or corruption : wickedness. b : a moral fault or failing. c : a habitual and usually trivial defect or shortcoming : foible suffered from the vice of curiosity.

What does my vice mean?

British English: vice /vaɪs/ NOUN. A vice is a habit which is regarded as a weakness in someone’s character, but not usually as a serious fault. I spend too much on clothes; that’s my only vice.