What is Valsad PIN code?

Valsad/Zip codes

What is the pin code of Sarigam Gujarat?

Sarigam/Zip codes

What is the Pincode of Dharampur?

Dharampur Valsad Pin Code is 396050. Dharampur Valsad comes under Valsad district. PIN Code is also known as Zip Code or Postal Code. Telephone No….Dharampur Valsad NEAR BY PIN CODE LIST.

Office Pin code Taluk
Balohondi 396126 Kaprada
Bamti 396050 Dharampur
Barai 396145 Pardi
Baroliya 396050 Dharampur

What is the Pincode of Silvassa?

Silvassa/Zip codes

Is Valsad a district?

Tehsil | District Valsad, Government of Gujarat | India.

What is railway station code of Valsad?

Valsad Railway Station(station code – BL) is well-connected to all major Indian cities.

What is the Pincode of dhampur bijnor?

246761Dhampur / Zip code

What is the capital of Silvassa?

Union territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Silvassa is the capital of the Union territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli. It is a laidback sleepy town with tall trees lining the roads, lush green forests and quaint sylvan surroundings, exotic resorts and industries.

Which is the capital city of Dadra & Nagar Haveli?

The territory consists of two sections—Dadra and Nagar Haveli—which together embrace roughly 70 villages. Its administrative headquarters is located in Silvassa.

Why is Valsad famous?

Valsad (Gujarati: વલસાડ) is a city in the Indian state Gujarat. It was formerly called Bulsar and the administrative capital of Valsad district. It’s famous for its mango orchards and an increasingly popular destination with a nice beach and several temples.

How old is Valsad?

It was established in 1928. It is one of the popular tourist attraction of Valsad district.

Which station is before Valsad?

Nearest Railway Stations to Valsad Gujarat India

Station Train Frequency Distance
(BL)VALSAD 368 0.79 Kms
(DGI)DUNGRI 14 8.95 Kms
(PAD)PARDI 21 10.72 Kms
(UVD)UDVADA 35 16.72 Kms