What is validation of a planning application?

Validation is the process undertaken by the Council to check that new planning applications are complete and include all relevant supporting information. Validation is concerned only with whether applications have been correctly made. It is not concerned with whether proposals are acceptable in planning terms.

What is a validation checklist?

A validation checklist is basically a tick list to help you make sure you have submitted everything necessary to make a planning application. This is in line with Government advice to make the process of submitting a planning application easier for everyone.

How long does it take to get a planning application validated?

three to five working days
Once an application has been deemed valid and the determination process commences, the application is placed on the planning register and given an application reference number. Normally, most minor and small-scale applications should be validated within three to five working days from the date of receipt.

What does it mean if a planning application is invalid?

If an application is submitted without the necessary information required to allow officers to assess your proposals, then your application will be made ‘invalid’. This means it will be placed on hold until the necessary amendments or documents have been received.

How do you validate an application?

Validating your application idea is a process that which takes up multiple steps, and time, and efforts to become fruitful….Ways to Validate an App Idea

  1. Talk to the targeted users.
  2. Study the stores.
  3. Do keyword research.
  4. Create a landing page.
  5. Upload a rough version of the app on review websites.

What is pre validation in planning?

Can anyone explain what the term pre-validation query entails and from an applicants point of view, whom in the planning authority would deal with this? Thanks. It simply means that they think that there is something incorrect with the application.

What are the stages of a planning application?

Five stage planning application process

  • You are here: Five stage planning application process.
  • Stage one – we register your application.
  • Stage two – we tell you what will happen.
  • Stage three – we advertise your application.
  • Stage four – we consider your application.
  • Step five – we make a decision on your application.

Can a validated planning application be invalidated?

The requirements apply irrespective of whether the application is made on paper or electronically. Where there are clear omissions or clear inaccuracies, the local planning authority will be entitled to declare the application invalid.

Is it an Offence to lie on a planning application?

If a local planning authority found that there had been a material inaccuracy or an attempt to mislead in the planning application and it considered it expedient to do so, it could revoke on that account. It already has the powers to revoke the planning permission.

What does validating an application mean?

In software project management, software testing, and software engineering, verification and validation (V&V) is the process of checking that a software system meets specifications and requirements so that it fulfills its intended purpose. It may also be referred to as software quality control.

What does validate application mean?

Validation means that NSFAS is conducting third party checks with SASSA and the Department of Home Affairs. In this way, they will verify the information you have submitted and alaso verify your household income to see if you qualify to be funded by NSFAS.