What is Val Zod Superman?

Val-Zod. Val-Zod is the second person to take on the mantle of Superman on Earth-2. Created by Tom Taylor (Injustice, DCeased, and Superman: Son of Kal-El) and Nicola Scott (Birds of Prey and Blackest Night: Wonder Woman), Val-Zod made his debut in 2014 in Earth-2 #25. Advertisement.

What is Val Zod secret identity?

He helped Sloan make the firepits. Val-Zod was later found by the Wonders to fight what appeared to be a brainwashed Superman calling himself Brutaal and discovered that he was a Kryptonian. Val-Zod revealed to them that he spent his childhood in a capsule and developed a fear of big open spaces.

What does Superman symbolize?

From his blue uniform to his flowing red cape to the “S” shield on his chest, Superman is one of the most immediately recognizable and beloved DC Super Heroes of all time. The Man of Steel is the ultimate symbol of truth, justice, and hope. He is the world’s first Super Hero and a guiding light to all.

Is Val Zod related to Superman?

Val-Zod is one of the last Kryptonians of his universe and the second to use the mantle of Superman.

Who is stronger Val Zod or Superman?

As others have mentioned, Superman has higher power levels than does Zod due to his longer exposure to the Sun and the Earth’s atmosphere. Superman, therefore, wins through power-imbalance attrition, as is shown in the movie.

Is Val-Zod stronger than Superman?

What is the Kryptonian symbol for hope?

The S-Shield
The S-Shield is a symbol worn by Superman, Supergirl, and other Kryptonians who are members of the House of El, as well as by other superbeings who have joined Superman’s battle for truth, justice, and the american way. The symbol is the Kryptonian symbol for hope; it is also the family insignia for the house of El.

What is the message of Superman?

“Superman has long been a symbol of hope who inspires people, and it is that optimism and hope that powers him forward with this new mission statement: truth, justice and a better tomorrow.”