What is unwanted 72 tablet success rate?

The effectiveness rate varied from 87% to 90% for the <72-hour group and from 72% to 87% for the 72- to 120-hour group. In both groups the chi(2) tests showed that emergency contraceptive pills significantly reduced the risk of pregnancy.

Is there any chance of pregnancy after taking unwanted 72?

About 1 or 2 in every 100 women who use ECPs will become pregnant despite taking the pills within 72 hours after having unprotected sex.

Is Unwanted 72 a birth control pill?

Quick tips for Unwanted 72 Tablet: This tablet works as an emergency birth control pill that has a strong dose of hormones. So, do not use it on a regular basis and use it only for emergency purposes. As Unwanted 72 tablet is an emergency contraceptive pill, you should not mistake it for abortion pills.

Do we bleed after taking unwanted 72?

Most likely these are your normal periods and slightly heavy then normal flow due to i-pill 72. Spotting you had in sept, just side effects of pill. If you are still bleeding then you should consult a gynecologist for medical prescription to stop bleeding.

Can a girl get pregnant after taking iPill?

Answers (5) Hello, Since you took an iPill, you are unlikely to be pregnant. You might be having fatigue, dizziness, breathlessness, heart palpitations and headaches due to iPill because it is a hgih dosage medications which disturbs your body’s hormonal balance. So avoid taking iPill next time.

What happens after taking Ipill?

Side effects of taking the i-Pill are headache, delayed menstruation, lower abdominal pain, headache and vomiting. These do not last for more than 2 days. 8. In case the woman’s next menses are delayed by more than a week, then she should go for a pregnancy test.

How do you know Unwanted 72 is working or not?

The success rate of I pill is 90 percent with 10 percent failure rates. However u have to Wait till ur next expected date of periods to confirm about the success of the pill. In case u don’t get your periods do a urine pregnancy test at home. Was this answer helpful?

When should I take unwanted 72?

Take the first one as soon as possible. Take the second one 12 hours later. The first dose must be taken within 72 hours (three days) after unprotected sex (it could be five days according to your doctor’s prescription). The sooner you take the ECP, the better it will work.