What is tsdiscon command?

TSDISCON.exe Disconnect a Remote Desktop Session. Syntax tsdiscon [SessionID | SessionName] [/server:ServerName] [/v] Key SessionId The ID of the session to disconnect. SessionName The name of the session to disconnect. ServerName The terminal server containING the session to disconnect.

How do you use Tsdiscon?

where rdp-tcp#1 is the current session, session ID 1, owned by user1. 3. To disconnect the current session, type tsdiscon. To disconnect session ID 2, type tsdiscon 2 /v, which will display Disconnecting sessionID 2 from sessionname rdp-tcp#2.

How do I find Remote Desktop sessions?

If you want to know which types of connections are used to connect to the remote, simply click on any column of the list, say “Status,” then right-click on it and select “Session.” The list will then show a session column with the types of connections to remote, such as console, terminal, services, or RDP, and so on.

How do I disable a console session?

To disconnect a session from the command prompt, use tsdiscon. The syntax is simple. TSDISCON [sessionid/sessionname] [/SERVER:servername] [/V] Sessionid The ID of the session.

How do I delete a disconnected RDP session?

Right-click the target connection and choose “Disconnect” from the context menu. Click “OK” to kill the session.

How do I kick someone off Remote Desktop?

How do I stop Remote Desktop Connection?

Right-click on the Start Menu button, then hover your mouse over the Shut down or sign out menu, and then select Sign out from the submenu by clicking on it.

How do I switch to another user?

Select Start, right-click the account name icon (or picture), then select Switch user. Select the Start button on the taskbar. Then, on the left side of the Start menu, select the account name icon (or picture) > Switch user > a different user.