What is Trien in English?
What is Trien in English?
a-trien v. 1. (a) To separate out (the casualties of one side from those of the other on the battlefield), pick out; separate (sth. from sth. else); (b) to separate (the good or desired part of sth.)
What does the French word Defi mean?
[defi ] masculine noun. 1. (= provocation, tâche difficile) challenge. mettre qn au défi de faire qch to challenge sb to do sth.
What is the meaning of the French word desastre?
British English: disaster /dɪˈzɑːstə/ NOUN. A disaster is a very bad accident such as an earthquake or a plane crash.
What is the translation of the French word appliqué?
An applied subject of study has a practical use, rather than being concerned only with theory.
How do you spell DeFi?
Correct pronunciation for the word “DEFI” is [dɪfˈi], [dɪfˈi], [d_ɪ_f_ˈi].
Where does the word disaster come from?
“Disaster” has its roots in the belief that the positions of stars influence the fate of humans, often in destructive ways; its original meaning in English was “an unfavorable aspect of a planet or star.” The word comes to us through Middle French and the Old Italian word “disastro,” from the Latin prefix “dis-” and …
What is the difference between a hazard and disaster?
A hazard is any phenomena that has the potential to cause destruction to life and property. A hazard become a disaster when the potential to cause destruction is fulfilled. When there is harm to life and property of humans, the hazard is termed a disaster. All disasters are hazards, but all hazards are not disasters.
What is MIM Abracadabra?
Abracadabra Money is a cross-blockchain lending platform that allows users to earn money by using their interest-bearing assets. Money earned is in the form of Magic Interest Money (MIM) tokens which are stable coins pegged to the US dollar.
Is Abracadabra a spell?
Abracadabra began its life as a healing spell. It’s been traced as far back as the third century CE, when physician Quintus Serenus Sammonicus (better known as Serenus) wrote the treatise Liber Medicinalis.
What is disaster a Greek word for?
The root of the word disaster (“bad star” in Greek) comes from an astrological sense of a calamity blamed on the position of planets.