What is transaction In UFT?
What is transaction In UFT?
Transactions in UFT can be used to measure how long does it take to execute a section or a few steps of your test. For example, you can define a transaction to measures the length of time required to book a flight.
How do I apply for wait at UFT?
Hard Wait in UFT The Wait method can be used to wait for the specified time. The Wait method accepts time in second as input. For example, when you open the browser and navigate to an URL, it may take 3 to 10 seconds to load the login page completely.
What is virtual object in UFT?
A virtual object in UFT is used to identify an object when UFT can’t recognize it using objects standard class. UFT doesn’t recognize an object if it is a custom or non-standard class object.
What is a QTP with a bank?
QTP or Quarterly Throughput is the total volume of export and import transactions in US Dollars done by the customer in one quarter.
What are checkpoints in UFT?
As the name suggests, Checkpoints in UFT are a validation point that compares the current value of specified properties or the current state of an object with the expected value. If the current and expected value matches it reports a Pass status else it will report it as Fail status in UFT Test Result.
How does UFT handle run time error?
Pop up message box – In case of any error, UFT shows a popup message with error details. Proceed to next action iteration – UFT will execute the next action iteration when an exception has occurred. Stop run – Execution will be stopped. Proceed to next step – Execution will be resumed from the next step.
What is AOM in UFT?
Automation Object Model in UFT is a way to automate UFT itself using the COM interface. The automation object model is a set of objects, methods, and properties that can be used to control the configuration settings and execute the scripts using the UFT interface.
What is run time table in UFT?
The run-time data table contains a copy of the design time data table when a script is executed. It may contain values that are changed during script execution and are presented in the test result summary. The changes made to the data table during run-time are not saved to design time data table.